MODULE 1: Welcome to the Mini-HUGE Course in Conscious Relaxation for Horses

Welcome to the Mini-HUGE-Course in Relaxation Technique for Horses I am so happy to have you with us on board this incredible Mini-Course! The experience ahead of you is called the Mini HUGE Course, and you will quickly discover why—because the changes it unlocks in your horse are truly HUGE. Even more exciting, the possibilities


ENTERING ACTIVE RELAXATION: The Alchemy of the Forward Movement “Bigger energy and a greater willingness to move comes naturally when the horse’s mouth meets a relaxed hand of the rider” The very next phase of the RTRT Training is opening Energy through Relaxation. As you start to hang your hands on the reins and focus

To access this post, you must purchase Residual Tensions Release Therapy: Long Reins Online Course.

Is It Possible To Relax The Stomach?

“Your body relaxes and tenses your smooth muscles all the time. If you are not in charge of this process, then who is? UFO?” — Pawel Marciniak, co-founder of OneHorseLife Is

Hanging of the Hands: Long Reins. Practice with a Horse.

“Don’t be ever afraid of the weight of your hands. Fear restrictions caused by your tensed muscles.”   HANGING HANDS ON LONG REINS, before we start: If your horse has any problems with acceptance of the bit, spookiness or nervousness (or if you simply want to give him the very best possible start into the Residual

To access this post, you must purchase Residual Tensions Release Therapy: Long Reins Online Course.

Hanging of the Hands: Long Reins. Theory & Practice with a Human Partner.

“Weight is not a problem. Restriction is a problem.” The reason behind this stage of the RTRT training is to teach you how to remove all the restrictions ( = muscle tensions) from the connection between your horse’s mouth and your hands. You have already experienced how to hang your hands on the flexed reins,

To access this post, you must purchase Residual Tensions Release Therapy: Long Reins Online Course.

The Right Equipment

“You don’t need much. In fact, to be successful in RTRT you need to only learn Conscious Relaxation of your forearms.”   EQUIPMENT To be able to do RTRT Technique with your horse on the Long Reins you will need the following equipment: LUNGING GIRTH: a special lunging belt with metal rings. For the purpose

To access this post, you must purchase Residual Tensions Release Therapy: Long Reins Online Course.


THE TECHNIQUE “A few basic principles and a thousand details”   The Working Technique of Residual Tensions Release Therapy is based on four consecutive steps:  HANG THE HANDS FEEL THE “MATERIAL” OF THE TONGUE RELEASE YOUR FOREARMS ALLOW THE PUSH In the initial phase of the training the RTRT Technique results in lengthening of the

To access this post, you must purchase Residual Tensions Release Therapy: Long Reins Online Course.


10 GOLDEN RULES OF VISITING A TRAINER as a Student and / or Working-Student How to take maximum of any Possible Learning Experience? Traveling is FUN. Learning is FUN. Traveling


MAKING OF THE CHAMPION Optimal Performance Program Series, part 1.   Many people focus on growing their horse’s skills and abilities in order to, hopefully, have a real champion at
