The below material I see as a true pearl. It’s hardly ever that I have a chance and agreement to record Pawel working with horses, but here with Falcao I got Pawel’s permission. In the below video Pawel explains the difference between massage and touching in connection, and how this can influence the horse’s body.
Welcome to the first part of our mini-course about Optimal Performance Program for Join Anna. In Part 1 we explain what is muscle excitation and muscle relaxation. We also explain how muscle excitation disturbs the nervous system and diminish the ability to perform. We also explain how muscle relaxation restores the full capabilities of the
Hello BEAUTIFUL! Lately, I have been approached by Paige Kochan, our JoinAnna member and OneHorseLife student, who asked how it’s possible that Darcy understood Ute (my student from Germany) so well when she started speaking to him in German about her accident that caused a broken spine, and why she had to come to the
When new information comes to us, our brain is trying to interpret it. Ego starts to “protect” us and labels this information as “good” or “bad”, “new” or “old”. We always have to know if we agree or not agree with the new information, and for the sake of lowering the stress, the mind prefers
Many times in my Life I meet people who say that they feel stuck in their Life with their horses. They are either afraid to advance in order not to “ruin” the relationship with their horse that they have now, or because their ideas about the training are so restricting that they do not find
I hear everywhere that the Revolution in Horsemanship is slow when compared to the other sports with animals like, for example, dog training. People blame for this slowness usually the lack of the new discoveries and knowledge, but on the contrary to that, in every discipline this pattern is the same: New knowledge is easily
When the new horse comes into our Life, we want to KNOW how our future will look like: we look into new ways of training and we meet with new or old trainers and we want to PLAN our future with the new horse to ASSURE it’s best possible development. Time starts to pass by
Today, I wish to share with a very private and a very personal moment that led me and Cour d’Alaine to experiencing our very first canter. Today, I want to show you how everything that we do in OneHorseLife is being born, how it is being created in front of our eyes in the most
AWAKENING THE EQUESTRIAN FEEL: FUN leads to FEEL When our body is Alive, when we have Lightness and Feel, and thanks to that we experience increasing softness, we can find ourselves in moment of PURE FUN. The PURE FUN is the expression of PURE FEEL. It is pure, because it is only the enjoyment free
Real Softness comes from Being Really Alive. Being Really Alive doesn’t mean just to be alive. It means to be aware of your life, and aware of the Life Energy (NA) in your body, and how your body functions thanks to NA and spontaneously yet automatically connects with NA anytime you are about to experience or
Horses respond to the FEEL, not to the cues taught by repetitions. If you want your horse to respond only to the receptions, you have to kill in your horse the feel and ability to connect with you. To put it in simple words: if you wish your horse to respond ONLY to the cues,
What is constantly coming to me whenever I teach is the ABSOLUTE NEED for every rider to awaken their EQUESTRIAN FEEL in order to ride, do groundwork or simply be with their horses. The below video is the first one from the series of 4 videos that I decided to dedicate FULLY and ESPECIALLY to
A good teacher does not give to a student anything ready-made. A good teacher does not do anything on the student’s behalf. A good teacher will act through the Reality and will show the student the way. A good teacher will show the direction and will create the environment in which taking steps is easier
Trainings that take place at the walk are my favorite ones. I love the slowness of this gait, and the meditation aura it creates for the horse and the rider. Many things are blocked for riders and horses, because they are done in disconnection. One of the first signs of disconnection is hastiness. When the horse is
Today, I want to share with you the very special experience. We have been speaking to you about the skills, spontaneously appearing whenever our awareness grows, since the beginnings of OneHorseLife and BodyMarc, but I have never experienced it so directly and powerfully as last Sunday with Cadeau de Dieu. It is very common that when
Collection is the new movement pattern. People and horses’ move on the every day basis through the movement pattern of falling down. This is the most efficient movement pattern that allows to save a lot of energy. In this movement pattern the centre of gravity moves outside the balance, and the legs move forward to
Strength, balance and girth are expressions of Life. Strength is the effect of the ability to engage muscles. Generally, when working with horses to support the development of strength and balance, people focus on growing muscles. In fact, muscles even if they are not very visible can be still very strong when they are fully engaged.
Riding outside can be beautiful, light and fun. This is always my great pleasure to invite my students to ride our horses in the forest, as it allows them to see the power, the balance and the degree of relaxation of our horses trained through Calmness. It also allows them to see how active, powerful
Hello my dear, Let me invite you to see the second part of my latest talk for JoinAnna: “OneHorseLife is a group that unites all group”. I met with Sari on the following day, right after we recorded our meeting on her beautiful Portuguese land. Sari had some questions regarding what I was speaking about
Many people are afraid of entering new groups. We feel stressed when we go to the new school, to the new University, when we change the job or when we change the place we live in. People are afraid of joining groups, but at the same time they want to belong to some place, and
First times are usually the times that we remember the best and for the longest time. It is connected with the stress and excitement that rise naturally when something new is happening. This stress, even a subtle one that you may feel for example when you didn’t ride subway for a long time and then
When you take your young horse out first time after the too-long winter, the best thing that you can do is to avoid problems. Take it slowly, focus on Calmness, create moments of connection. Focus on positive moments and create possibilities for them to keep on re-appearing. And that’s all you should do. Problems or
In our Life we can experience many things. Normally we judge our experiences as good and bad. We are happy when good things are happening and sad when bad things are happening. We don’t see that the good and bad is just our perception of the situation in a given moment. When people are in
When there is truth on the level of being that is connecting everything, you can see this truth shining through the all levels of existence. Truth expresses itself as beauty: You can see the beauty of the movement. You can see the beauty of the body. You can see the beauty of the moment. You
Life wants to express itself. The Life of your horse expresses itself through the beautiful body and through the beautiful movement of your horse. To enjoy this beauty around you, it is enough to support your horse to express himself through his body and movement to the fullness. To enjoy this beauty around you, it is
Riding outdoors can be so much fun, and can be such a beautiful and inspiring experience for you and your horse. From my experience horses love to go out and explore new environment, they love to walk through the paths in the woods and they love to be able to move freely forward without having
Let us repeat what was established in the previous materials once again: If the action of the trainer or the action taken by the horse, instead of increasing the balance and relaxation, brings tension that can be seen by any change in the gait or the movement (so the movement stops to have the quality
Our beautiful journey continues: Decomposing the Power and the Movement for greater Balance and growing Body Awareness, part 2: Meeting with Cour d’Alaine. I am so in love with our upcoming Course Expanding Body Awareness for Horses. It will be released on the 30th of April and I look forward to hearing from the students
Balance is the Expression of the Awareness. The greater is the Awareness, the bigger is the Balance. In my work I see many times how people seek ways to make their horses stronger through endless repetitions and rounds, believing that only a strong horse can be a horse with a good balance. People look at the sports
The moment in which we enter patterns, we lose access to freedom. There is no freedom for our actions, for our thinking and for our being when we follow patterns. The mind naturally gets attached to the patterns and finds peace in following them. When the mind follows pattern, it is focused on the pattern.
Can Life be light? Can Life be like sliding down the snowy slope? Can Life be as effortless as singing a song? Why Life is so hard from time to time? Why do we have to go through the anger, pain, tears and moments when we feel betrayed? Why do we all feel broken
I believe that one of the very first things we have to establish when starting the young horse under the saddle, except of Calmness that is always the base of all our actions, are the directions: left right and straight forward. The first lessons the horse will learn under the saddle are the ones that
In the previous JoinAnna Material we spoke about Movement as an Expression of Awareness. You could learn from this Material that seeing movement as the expression of Awareness can be a very practical approach that answers very important questions. One of the questions that we have asked and answered there, was the question about moving together in
Your horse can move in many different ways. Many people think that the movement is an effect of mechanical processes happening in the body. So they try to address the movement (to change it, influence it or simply understand it) using the laws of mechanics. It can look very scientific, and because of looking so
There are many training methods available and it is a great fun to try different approaches without fear and without judgements and prejudices. Model/Rival System was developed by Dr Dietmar Todt, and later modified by Dr Irene Pepperberg into her label-training procedure aimed to explore and show to the world the intelligence and cognitive potential
It is very well known fact for many, many years that when a horse has tensed neck or jaw, or any other muscle in the head he becomes stiff in the body. The stiffness of one muscle has to be compensated by the stiffness of other muscles, and in effect, the whole body of the
Many times I meet riders with horses, or am approached by riders who have very serious problems with their horses pacing, moving around with the giraffe head or with advanced horses coming out of vertical during transitions to canter work from walk. I hear from these riders, who often feel totally helpless in correcting these
Piaffer is one of the simplest and most pleasurable experiences for you and your horse. To enjoy the beautiful piaffer with your horse, you do not need to do much, it is enough to support your horse in focusing on three very simple ingredients: Lightness of the forehand, rhythm and impulsion. Lightness of the forehand
Have you ever experienced how you tend to shut down to everything from the outside of the subject that you are focused on at the given moment? Have you experienced how your awareness shrinks once you dedicate your attention to one thing? How being too focused, for example on writing an essay for the University or completing
“I don’t train with a whip”, “I don’t train with a clicker”, “No cues”, “No conditioning”, “No treats”, “No ropes”, “No body energy”, “No touch”, “No…” Is this liberty? The horse in the above cases may be in freedom or at the liberty, but at the same time won’t be liberated, simply because the person
February is the first month since my Winter Holiday’s break that I could truly dedicate to me and my journey with my horses. There is no better start for a journey to let it begin fresh and clean, to let is start from a total liberation. There are many theories about horsemanship, simply because people
Hello my dear, When dealing with aggressive behaviors and aggressive communication in horses many people focus purely on the outside factors, the factors that are outside of them. Some people look for sources of pain in the horse, others look at the behaviors that the horse presents and deal with them this or that way.
Hello my dear! After some time spent on talking, time to practice. Joining the aggressive communication with horses is done most safely by blocking and coming back to Calmness. If we mix it up by being Calm ourselves, introducing safety oriented rituals, encouraging seeking, thinking and solving problems attitude for the horse and if we take
In the below material I want to speak about Joining the Aggressive Communication with a horse. After publishing the Aggression in Horses series I got many messages from members of our JoinAnna community saying what an important subject it is for you in your Life with your horses. In one of the earlier materials I
I wrote before that setting a BOUNDARY is simply letting your body to spontaneously act, without emotions and thinking processes being activated, in response to SOME of the spontaneous actions your horse does. In my eyes it is always better to let you body express something in the moment, than to involve your mind which
PUNISHMENT is a method of training: I am punishing you if you don’t do something that I request from you now. For example: You say “canter” and if horse does not canter, You use a whip. Another example: You give cue to do “piaffer” and if your horse won’t put your 100% energy into short
The best way to deal with an Aggressive Horse is to learn how to be free from tensions and use boundaries that are tension free and oriented to bring peace and Calmness to the situation between you and your horse. When you are connected with yourself and you have literally no thoughts and no emotions
We all know how hard it is to modify one’s behaviour through thinking. We can discuss things with others, we can be deeply convinced, we can strongly believe in something, and yet when the “trial” comes we realise our actions through the old patterns and we follow old behaviours… For many people who stepped on
Hello my Dear One! Below you will find the third part of our journey towards the Body as the Gate to the Awareness. In this part I will tell you about the wonder that is our body and how understanding, practicing and expanding BodyMarc Techniques can support you in understanding such important processes in your Life as healing
In the previous material I have spoken briefly about MOVA, the language of the Universe. I also mentioned that it is going to be an important part of OneHorseLife and some of the Advanced OneHorseLife Classes this year. I have said that Mova is the language that was used to describe the higher states of
Body can become your gate to Awareness only when you allow your body to teach you. Just like with your horse becoming your teacher, it is you, the student, that has to start this process. Teacher arrives when the student is ready. “OK” — one can think. — “But my body is not the body of
Body as a Gate to Awareness is a very deep subject. It can be discussed and seen from many levels and perspectives, and this broad way of how it can be approached only shows it’s holistic nature. When we think about gates we think about something that is closed and that is restricting access to something
Today is the last day of 2016 Year. It was a beautiful Year full of transformations, great realisations, beautiful moments of grace and bliss… A year of learning and growing. A Year when OneHorseLife heart has beaten stronger than ever, and a year when the same heart stopped for a moment to start to beat
Taking all your spiritual and awareness related realisations and putting them into the practice, into the usage you need in your every day life, into the real-life experience, is another very important step on your path of growth. When you extend your BodyMarc experience onto the whole day, you put it into action the connection with the
Staying Innocent. What it is and why is it so important? Another great risk waiting for you on the path of growing your awareness is loosing your innocence. I know that it may sound now like the path of growing awareness is full of traps waiting for you, it is not. It is so simple
When we enter the path of growth, we want to see if we grow. This is very natural, and a very good reaction of the healthy mind. If you want to grow, you want to see whether you grow. The most honest feedback about your growth you can get from your horse. Other people, books
In the Second Step of the 6 STEP Course in BodyMarc Pawel tells about the importance of observing. Observation is very crucial when it comes to growing awareness and living a conscious Life. It’s not easy to observe. This in my eyes one of the most dangerous and risky steps that waits for you to be taken on
I have been thinking a lot about the best way to close this year of your experience with JoinAnna…I’ve been thinking about the thing, the ultimate experience that makes our journey so wonderful and unique. I was thinking about the jewel that I should dedicate the last videos in 2016 for… I was thinking about
When your actions have organising power, then you can enjoy beautiful fruits of these actions. When your actions with your horse have organising power, then you can see more connection and more beauty in your relationship with your horse. Organising power of your actions brings more possibilities, and you can do more with your horse.
Hello my dear Students! I love how supportive and generous the Nature is. Just when I was preparing the below material for you, I have been reached by OneHorseLife Teachers’ Path Trainee and my Advanced Student Andrea Wady from Costa Rica. Andrea has shared with me the most wonderful experience she had with her horse Aragon,
Hello my JoinAnna Students, Some time ago me and Pawel spoke to you about Body Awareness for horses. It is a very interesting subject to me and I love to see how the carefully prepared system, based on our BodyMarc Self-Study Course of expanding Body Awareness for people is being successfully transferred to horses. As you
Generally there are two possible movement patterns for horses: falling down and pushing forward. Falling down is a natural movement pattern for nearly all animals, including humans. Falling down happens when a horse moves by rebalancing his body forward with the usage of head and neck. For a short moment the body of the horse is
When our long awaited, amazing, rich in deep realisations and true secrets the SECRETS Seminar came to an end, and when my health related family situation got sorted out a little bit more, I realised that we have some catching up to do with the JoinAnna’s materials and videos for you. Of course, the first, natural
Hello my JoinAnna students! You all probably know that taking actions is an important part of the learning process. When we do not know how to do something, we observe the teacher and try to copy what he does. What a big mistake hides behind it, and what a great challenge is created for a teacher
Hello my lovely JoinAnna Students, I feel very touched and very happy to be able to speak to you again. This time my voice may surprise you, on all levels. In the form, in the subject we will be touching and in the sound, simply because it will be my husband Pawel who will be
Awareness of the moving body develops from the point when the body touches the ground. This is the most important part of the movement. Not engagement, not collection, not expression of the legs being lifted up to the highest. These are the effects of body awareness. Body Awareness starts from the horse’s feet, from the hooves.
When you are with your horse, you want to be Calm, relaxed, focused and present. You also want your horse to be Calm, energetic, focused present and relaxed. And such moments happen for both of you. The trick is to have most of the training time in such moments. The trick is not to develop
Digits are the contractual signs, which are subjectively determined and agreed upon. They may construct numbers, like letters construct words, and then they can refer to the quantity of something that is present in nature, but in their nature they are always subjective and only refer to something. Numbers are the real entities that exist
I wrote about Boundaries many materials, and some years ago I thought that this is an important subject to talk about with students. But the more I teach, and the more I am with horses, the more I see that sometimes the subject of the Boundaries is brought on the surface, but only to show
There are days when you sitting with your mare, thinking that you teaching her how to be calm around the treats, so she can have all of them in Calmness, instead of fighting for the little one that is in your treat bag. But the Reality is that above you there is the Higher Power
Many times the newcomers to OneHorseLife, or people who are just following OneHorseLife on Internet reach out to me to ask about the serious matter: How to join learning from horses and living a regular Life with their horses? I perfectly understand, that after the first period of being enchanted by the philosophy of learning from
Horses are amazing. The more time I spend with them, the more I am in absolute awe of their incredible patience they have for us, and the amazing teachings they want to share with us anytime we are ready to receive them. Experiencing this changes my own Life. But seeing this happening in flesh to
When you allow Calmness to be the very Root of all your actions, and if you truly start to trust in this Calmness and it’s ability to guide you and your horse, you will see that there is nothing that can stop you on your path. In my Life I met many skilled people with
Movement in Calmness expands Body Awareness, and expanded Body Awareness opens possibilities for different movement patterns and for the new movements to appear. When your horse can stand in Calmness, you can start to move together in Calmness. When your horse can move and stay Calm while he moves (so he doesn’t move excited or flight),
Canter Pirouette is one of the most wonderful and most incredible experiences that you can have together with your horse, both from the ground and from the saddle. In the experience of Canter Pirouette you can feel your horse’s true power and exceptional balance and great energy to the fullness. Canter Pirouette can be an
Hello my JoinAnna Students, With this video I wish to introduce you deeper into the core of OneHorseLife Philosophy: Happiness that is independent from the Training Techniques and Methods. So many times I see people travelling through the Techniques and Training Methods seeking more happiness, more peace of the mind, more connection with their horses
When we start the journey towards connection with the Self and Learning from Horses, I do not insist on that, because to me the change is never based on that, but I advice my students to put down the sticks and whips, sometimes also the ropes and rope halters and I do my best to
We all know that horses are showing our tensions. They show us our tensions to help us to release them and to move on and grow. We also see that many times people want to explain what horse is doing in other ways. When a horse is nipping a treat bag, someone can say that
To Understand BodyMarc you have to understand what is Body Awareness. Awareness is everything that we can access, experience and use directly. We are aware of our hands, and we can move them. We do not ask them to move, we do not demand them to move, we just move them. We think that our
Hello my JoinAnna Students! Today, I would love to share with you this very special video recorded during my Individual Learning Path student’s, John’s, stay in Poland. We worked with John through Online Guidance on the experiences of the Touch to Calm Workshop and Energy Workshop. During John’s stay at my place we especially focused
Almost every single day I find myself speaking with my students about the Calmness based experience of the Energy that we introduce in OneHorseLife, and how beautifully movement without any tensions, both physical and mental, allows their horses’ bodies to heal, balance and expand body awareness. I also speak about the beautiful feelings that horses have
You can change only yourself. When you change everything changes with you. If you want your horse to teach you, it is enough to awaken student in you. Your horse is always ready to teach you. You do not need to wait or prepare or to open your horse. It is enough to start listening
Asking your horse to help you You do not have to abandon what you did before. You can be an advanced dressage rider and do OneHorseLife. Nobody wants to be a beginner and people start feeling fear of needing to start all over again whenever they start something new. Do not make decisions to abandon
Hello my JoinAnna Students! With this video I want to take you one step deeper into OneHorseLife philosophies and techniques behind everything what we do. During the previous weeks you got access to the videos showing how these things work and look like in practice, you could see me and my students going through the
It is hard to grow when you are not growing. Your mind is always ready and happy to tell you that you are growing. Your mind is always ready to give you the illusion of change. For the mind, it is enough to hear something and the mind is already ready to repeat it. Your
If you believe that there is something in your horse that you should fix, you start fixing it. If you believe that you can fix your horse, the fixing process starts. When you see that your horse moves in a way that you do not like, or you do not approve, then you want to
The more I travel and the more I give away Clinics, the more I recognise that the whole idea of the commonly understood “Horse Training” is focused on FIXING. People subconsciously understand that fixing other people is a difficult if not an impossible task to do, so all their efforts are focused on fixing the
Among many other things, horses teach us how to BE. Horses teach us that being is enough, and that in fact, we do not need anything else in our Lives except of knowing how to truly and really BE. When we know how to be, we also know how to DO. All actions are coming
Everyone dreams about having a horse with a great Body Awareness. At the same time, during everyday meetings with our horses we, sadly, most of the time do a lot to shrink this awareness. “Not like that”, “More”, “Not enough”, “differently”, etc., Horses are being flooded with instructions, with very little support from our side.
With this video we start the 3rd month of JoinAnna, so from the very start it was clear to me that it had to be something very special, something unique that will match this very special occasion. I was waiting for the right subject to show up, and Cadeau de Dieu my beautiful 4yo mare stepped up
Riding is the most magical experience in Life. Being so close to your horse, and being so much dependent on him and at the same time being in such incredible unity with him is a very powerful experience. At the same time riding as we, humans, used to see it is not natural for horses,
I see these days, that so much guidance and attention is dedicated to the techniques and ways of acting, and so little towards the true fuel of each action, which is the intention that starts this action. Every action can be born from two intentions. The first we can call “I trust”, and the second one
To be Calm, you have to BE. When you come to your horse, and you have any assumptions about what you will do, and what you will never do, you cannot BE. You create the false perception of you in your imagination, and you want to control the Reality to make this imagination real. It
On the photograph above you can see my wonderful student Chloe Johansson. On the photograph Chloe touches her face to feel the present moment as it is now even more deeply, to connect with it, and to be able to clear her mind from all theories that caused her to check out during the training
All horses are teachers. Being a teacher is the most incredible experience one can have in Life: it is incredible because it’s so simple and so fulfilling at the same time. To be a teacher it is enough to know something that other person doesn’t know. When you see that you know something that can
Horses want us to ride them, because when we are so close to each other we can really communicate through the feel. I wrote about it many times before, but this is such an important and underestimated matter that I feel like repeating it once again and always whenever I have an occasion to do
We meet our horses to support each other in expressing our lives to the fullness. Your horse will support you in finding the Reality of Life and will support you in expressing yourself. What you can give your horse in return is the very same: you can support your horse in expressing himself to the
I Know Nothing I came to you with the strong desires, and I surrender my desires to you I know nothing Please guide me and teach me I came here to learn from you I support all my actions in Calmness I take all actions to bring more Calmness Please show me how innocent intention
DANGER: POWERFUL KNOWLEDGE INSIDE !!! :) The support of all actions lies in the infinite power of the Nature. You can access this support when you start you actions free of any worrying and tensions. When you are not worrying about the outcome of your actions, you can CREATE. Creating is experiencing NEW. Creating is
Many times I receive questions from my students and other people that seek answers to their questions in OneHorseLife and Calmness: “What to do? My horse is not going forward? My horse says no to movement forward from the saddle”. My answer is always the very same: All horses love to move and they love to
Passing through the River of the illusion that horses can be only receivers of information during training meetings. Many times people ask me “How to know that the horse wants/agrees for…”, and I always tell them: When it happens, you will simply know it, you will feel it through your whole body and you will
Life is about expressing yourself to the fullness. When you train your horse, your goal is to support him to express himself to the fullness and to express yourself to the fullness. This can happen only through love, gratitude and respect. At OneHorseLife, we very often say that YOU are learning from your horse, and it
I would love to share with you some glimpses from the trainings I am giving now to my student from South Africa, Andreia. Andreia took part in my Start-Up GroundWork Workshop in 2015, and now came to experience live trainings with the guidance of our horses and deepen her understanding of OneHorseLife ways of experiencing
When we tell our students that they will grow thanks to their horses’ guidance, they often think that they will abandon some pieces of equipment or that they won’t be able to use the techniques and knowledge that they already have if they change. This situation may be very stressful, because no-one likes to be
To illustrate this JOIN ANNA Video and Article I decided to use the beautiful photographies of my long-term advanced student Judy Kelly and her beautiful mare Loreal. These photographies, that were taken during my private live sessions with Judy at her yard, show so well the essence of Calm Rewarding that we do at OneHorseLife. On
Transitions are very special moments when you ride with your horse. During transitions, your horse changes his movement pattern. This moment can be used to create even more balance for you and your horse. When you ask for the transition by changing speed of the movement of your horse, then you create moments when your
Hello my JOIN ANNA Angels!!! I hope that all of you feel already at home here, I see many faces of my students here and it m
Many times, when I advice students upon choosing their new horse I hear them saying: “I want my horse to be open“, and “I want my horse to be friendly“, and “I want my horse to be eager to engage, responsive, giving, patient, proud, easy to connect with, I want him to have a good memory and