Optimal Performance Part 1

Welcome to the first part of our mini-course about Optimal Performance Program for Join Anna. In Part 1 we explain what is muscle excitation and muscle relaxation. We also explain how muscle excitation disturbs the nervous system and diminish the ability to perform. We also explain how muscle relaxation restores the full capabilities of the

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Live Talk with Anna: Tensions around Food and Eating


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Communication Through the Language: Exercise

Hello BEAUTIFUL! Lately, I have been approached by Paige Kochan, our JoinAnna member and OneHorseLife student, who asked how it’s possible that Darcy understood Ute (my student from Germany) so well when she started speaking to him in German about her accident that caused a broken spine, and why she had to come to the

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Silvaner&Anna: Looking into the tensions

When new information comes to us, our brain is trying to interpret it. Ego starts to “protect” us and labels this information as “good” or “bad”, “new” or “old”. We always have to know if we agree or not agree with the new information, and for the sake of lowering the stress, the mind prefers

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Live Talk with Anna: Follow Your Tensions

Many times in my Life I meet people who say that they feel stuck in their Life with their horses. They are either afraid to advance in order not to “ruin” the relationship with their horse that they have now, or because their ideas about the training are so restricting that they do not find

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