Before you can support your horse in growing his Awareness, you have to experience growing your Awareness, first. It is important to have direct experience of growing Awareness, to avoid living in imagination which is ignorance. When you hear something new like Growing Awareness, your mind is always ready to tell you “I know what

Before You Start

Welcome to our Body Awareness for Horses Course. We are very happy that you have joined us and we are looking forward to sharing this journey with you. We have prepared everything and we have done our best for you to make this course accessible, easy, fun and beautiful experience for you and your horse.

Why you are here & What you are going to learn

By joining  our Body Awareness for Horses Course, you expressed your desire to KNOW what Body Awareness is in relation to horses. To know something new, it is enough to express your desire to know. When you express your desire to know something new, you also agree that now you do not know what it

The Magic of the First Times

First times are usually the times that we remember the best and for the longest time. It is connected with the stress and excitement that rise naturally when something new is happening. This stress, even a subtle one that you may feel for example when you didn’t ride subway for a long time and then

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Avoid Problems

When you take your young horse out first time after the too-long winter, the best thing that you can do is to avoid problems. Take it slowly, focus on Calmness, create moments of connection. Focus on positive moments and create possibilities for them to keep on re-appearing. And that’s all you should do. Problems or

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Support of the Nature

In our Life we can experience many things. Normally we judge our experiences as good and bad. We are happy when good things are happening and sad when bad things are happening. We don’t see that the good and bad is just our perception of the situation in a given moment. When people are in

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Truth is True on All Levels

When there is truth on the level of being that is connecting everything, you can see this truth shining through the all levels of existence. Truth expresses itself as beauty: You can see the beauty of the movement. You can see the beauty of the body. You can see the beauty of the moment. You

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Developing Beautiful Body in an Effortless Way

Life wants to express itself. The Life of your horse expresses itself through the beautiful body and through the beautiful movement of your horse. To enjoy this beauty around you, it is enough to support your horse to express himself through his body and movement to the fullness. To enjoy this beauty around you, it is

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Riding Outdoors with your horse

Riding outdoors can be so much fun, and can be such a beautiful and inspiring experience for you and your horse. From my experience horses love to go out and explore new environment, they love to walk through the paths in the woods and they love to be able to move freely forward without having

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Decomposing the Power and the Movement with Silvaner

Let us repeat what was established in the previous materials once again: If the action of the trainer or the action taken by the horse, instead of increasing the balance and relaxation, brings tension that can be seen by any change in the gait or the movement (so the movement stops to have the quality

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