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MODULE 5: Power

POWER Real Power starts with simply allowing yourself to have it. Many times, in their lives people don’t even allow themselves to be powerful, because they are afraid to face the success (and coming with it a possible failure). We can say that the power starts and ends with not taking away power from yourself,

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MODULE 4: Having the Real Influence

Influence People are ruled by their thoughts. This is a very well-known, common fact. However, the truth is even more terrifying than the initial statement: People are ruled by thoughts that not even belong to them! People decide upon their marriage, career, horse training, hobbies, activities and even things they eat or drink based on

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MODULE 3: Order and becoming the Head Surgeon of the Moment

Order In every situation, someone needs to bring order and a structure for it to become complete. Especially in the moments of stress for herd animals, it’s essential that someone is bringing an order. It can be you, or it can be your horse. If you are not providing an order, your horse assumes that

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MODULE 2: Calmness & Flow of Attention

Calmness and Flow of Attention Calmness is an essential feature in being with horses and an immanent part of horse training in general. Without Relaxation, it’s virtually impossible to move forward in any aspect of horsemanship, and even if we would try to do so, our progression would be unstable and on the long run

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MODULE 1: Tendencies

TENDENCIES Tendencies are unaware or aware background currents that have the power of modifying and changing our actions without our conscious consent. Whenever we are not filled in 100% with our true selves, Tendencies take over and can direct our life. The more you are “Home”, the more of YOU is in you, the less

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MODULE 1: Coming Back Home & Timing

Good Timing & Coming Home Good Timing is super important in setting boundaries. Most of the time when people are setting boundaries they are too late with taking and actions. Many times it is just one second what stands in between becoming effective or not in what we do. Good timing is everything. Why do

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From Understanding to Partnership

True partnership is possible only when you know who you are. True partnership is based on promises and on stability. Stability and keeping promises are not possible if you don’t know who you are. Many times I see people really want to change something in THEIR LIVES. You may think that there is nothing simpler

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From Cooperation to Understanding

If you are spending your time really together with your horse in the Here and Now and you are open to what your horse is telling you, this can lead to a MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING. Understanding, like communication, is a two-way road. This means that you will start to understand your horse and your horse will start

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From Engagement to Cooperation

When your horse is CALM and feels safe, also because he fully understands what you want from him, and your horse has AUTONOMY to decide what he wants to do and to decide to engage in the training, this is the moment when COOPERATION starts. Cooperation is a mutual agreement that we will help our

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From Autonomy to Engagement

You have to be very honest with yourself at this point. And you need to check very thoroughly that you have the background for training that is free from fear, very calm and based on communication and autonomy. You cannot fool yourself at this point. If you have any problems come back to square one

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