Canter Pirouette is one of the most wonderful and most incredible experiences that you can have together with your horse, both from the ground and from the saddle. In the experience of Canter Pirouette you can feel your horse’s true power and exceptional balance and great energy to the fullness. Canter Pirouette can be an
Hello my JoinAnna Students, With this video I wish to introduce you deeper into the core of OneHorseLife Philosophy: Happiness that is independent from the Training Techniques and Methods. So many times I see people travelling through the Techniques and Training Methods seeking more happiness, more peace of the mind, more connection with their horses
With the Third Module’s Exercises I wish to introduce you and your horses to the concept of the Autonomy in Balance, Attitude, Straightness and Energy. Autonomy means that your horse will do whatever he likes and we will communicate with him what we wish him to do. First thing to remember here is that there is no Autonomy
When we start the journey towards connection with the Self and Learning from Horses, I do not insist on that, because to me the change is never based on that, but I advice my students to put down the sticks and whips, sometimes also the ropes and rope halters and I do my best to
We all know that horses are showing our tensions. They show us our tensions to help us to release them and to move on and grow. We also see that many times people want to explain what horse is doing in other ways. When a horse is nipping a treat bag, someone can say that
In XXI Century we may have cars, mobiles and super fast Satellite Internet, but we still meet dragons that we have to face every single day. The real dragons are more
Three years ago I was feeling very lost and anxious in my life. My life with horses looked as if on it’s peak. I leased a Grand Prix horse and
On my path I many times meet people who say that they have big problems with making their horses go forward. These people often tell that their horses are lazy,
To Understand BodyMarc you have to understand what is Body Awareness. Awareness is everything that we can access, experience and use directly. We are aware of our hands, and we can move them. We do not ask them to move, we do not demand them to move, we just move them. We think that our
Hello my JoinAnna Students! Today, I would love to share with you this very special video recorded during my Individual Learning Path student’s, John’s, stay in Poland. We worked with John through Online Guidance on the experiences of the Touch to Calm Workshop and Energy Workshop. During John’s stay at my place we especially focused