How much spiritual healing the physical illness can bring, how much unity the possibility of loss can create… How incredible is the body that heals and wants to live, and
When the contact is soft? Contact is soft when both bodies, which are in contact through the reins, are moving together at the same time. When the bodies are moving
After two hours of training, deep BodyMarc session, and constant support from Anna Marciniak, the horse, and the whole group, a human was given Energy trot from the horse. The
Taking actions from the level of I. Taking actions in Connection. In Connection with the True I. Ya – True I Ga – Action Ga (action) supported by the Ya
BodyMarc is not about healing; it is about growing Body Awareness. So why do we talk about healing? We talk about Healing because we have witnessed many beautiful examples of
What is Awareness and how Awareness can grow and shrink? Awareness is everything we can do at any given moment. Everything that you can think, say or do is inside
Who can be the Healer? You. The Real You can be a Healer. You do not need any special abilities or skills. Only the Real You can be a Healer.
We are taught from the earliest childhood to fulfill what is commonly believed to be true or right, or not harmful, and to not to step into the “wrong” or
We deny who we really are. And nothing real and true can come out from any action taken from this level. On the very basic level we are predators that
Not so long ago I was asked by the student about levitation. When we depend on our mind in understanding of the world, we will always feel the illusion of