4. technika: WYTYCZANIE GRANIC w praktyce

  Prawdziwa autonomia nie istnieje bez granic, a bez autonomii koń nie może nauczyć się granic. Na przykład, kiedy uczy się konie podawania kopyt do czyszczenia, zwykle robi się to pozbawiając konie autonomii i nie wytyczając granic. Koń musi dać kopyto i stać nieruchomo, dopóki nie będzie wyczyszczone. W tej sytuacji koń nie może się nauczyć, co

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Expression DOES NOT NEED Excitement

It is very important to perform all exercises that require energy and expression in a very calm way. I always start with calming the horse, and only when this is


If you always remember that one day you go from this world and let go of everything you have, even your beliefs, then you will always act right and be

6th Technique: Introducing Clicker in practice

  When I introduce clicker to horses I do it in THREE EASY STEPS 1st STEP: Click & Treat To introduce the clicker to your horse you need to explain to him what the sound of the clicker means. Introducing the clicker is very easy: Have on you clicker and some small treats in your

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.

5th Technique: Bridging in practice

  THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEMS The person is really free in his life when he is freed from the heavy past experiences and from the future fears. Without these limitations there is only pure acting and enjoying each moment. Pure being. And that is what I’d love you to experience thanks to this technique.

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.

4th Technique: Setting Boundaries in practice

When you are connected with yourself and you have literally no thoughts and no emotions in yourself – you always know what to do and you always act accordingly to the things that are happening around you. Sometimes you very decidedly yet calmly make your horse go away 2-3 steps away when he starts to

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.

3rd Technique: Giving Autonomy in practice

The general idea of Autonomy was already touched in our Introductory Materials and I don’t want to repeat myself here. Instead, I want to focus on explaining you how giving true Autonomy to your horse looks like in practice. But before we will do so, I want to emphasise once again the two very important

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.

2nd Technique: Engagement and Satisfaction in practice

I know that our second technique may be something very NEW to you today. Please don’t worry, give yourself time to read it few times and digest it. You will need that time to start understand how to implement it to your everyday trainings. This is not that hard in practice. To encourage you to

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.

2nd Technique: The Golden Combo – Engagement and Satisfaction

One of the questions I am most frequently asked is “How can I make my horse engage more in the training?”. In this PreWorkshop Material I’d love to share with you two of my techniques to build-up your horse’s Engagement and Satisfaction and to transfer them to any desired situation or exercise. I decided to

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.

1st Technique: Calming Technique

I made a decision to introduce you to all of my practical techniques, before our Online Workshop starts. I want you to have time to really digest and understand our approach before you will try it with your horses. I want you to feel comfortable and not to hurry yourself. I’d love you to have

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.
