Emotions in Horse Training in Practice

Some years ago behaviourists used to think that animals are passive. But animals are active, they have their own goals and aspirations. We have to be aware of this fact. I wrote before that during clicker training we reinforce not only behaviours but also decisions our horse makes. In this PreWorkshop material I will show

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ENERGY and EMOTIONS: Partnership and Knowing Who We Really Are

  True partnership is possible only when you know who you are. True partnership is based on promises and on stability. Stability and keeping promises are not possible if you don’t know who you are. Many times I see people really want to change something in THEIR LIVES. You may think that there is nothing

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STRAIGHTNESS: From Cooperation to Understanding

When your horse is CALM and feels safe, also because he fully understands what you want from him, and your horse has AUTONOMY to decide what he wants to do and to decide to engage in the training, this is the moment when COOPERATION starts. Cooperation is a mutual agreement that we will help our

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ATTITUDE: From Autonomy to Engagement

Another big change in your attitude is to give your horse the True Autonomy. Many people try to do this and they come to the conclusion that is is a wrong way, because they don’t have communication and there is no calmness and no safety when they are with their horses. When we give autonomy

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BALANCE: From Calmness of the mind to Communication through the body

When everyone is calm the communication can start. When you are scared of your horse and your horse is afraid of you communication is simply impossible. Everyone is following their habitual instincts and nothing new can emerge. Calmness is very easy and very difficult at the same time. You need to feel safe with your

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Introduction to B.A.S.E. Kick-Start Training: Start by reading this

From your current Attitude and Awareness to CHANGE During this workshop, I will share with you my attitude, my techniques and the approach that allowed me to become the horse trainer and the horse owner I am today. Although we will take huge advantage of positive reinforcement, clicker training and behaviourism during this workshop, this

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MODULE 3 EXERCISES: From Autonomy to Engagement

In this module, you will learn how to engage really in doing some actions and how to engage your horse in these actions with you. It is crucial for you now to really understand the exercises from the two previous modules. First of all, always remember that we do not teach the horse to do something,

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.


onehorselife.comi siebie kiedy jestes przy swoim koniu. Teraz mozesz z tego skorzystac. Bedziesz musiala dostarczyc swojemu koniowi wiele momentów spokoju, abyscie mogli doswiadczyc prawdziwej przemiany. Dlatego wlasnie ten Workshop skupia sie na zmianie CIEBIE. Nie skupiaj sie teraz na rozwoju swojego konia. Ten rozwój nie nastapi, lub bedzie jedynie iluzja jesli nie zmienisz przy tym

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.

MODULE 2 EXERCISES: From Communication to Autonomy

In the first module we focused on Calmness to build up Communication between you and your horse. This is the essence of my teachings: Reconnect with your true self and observe how the world around you changes. In this module we can start to give our horses more Autonomy and communicate with them even further. You will

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.

MODULE 1 EXERCISES: From Calmness to Communication

In this module we will focus on exercises that will help us to establish calmness and to start communication between you and your horse. After this Module’s exercises you will be able to call your horse to come to you and ask him to stay with you or stay and simply wait for you thanks

To access this post, you must purchase Start-Up GroundWork Workshop: Self-Study Program.
