I know that many of you beside horses have also dogs – please engage them in your daily horse activities. Let them feel important. This is very important for your
Be free. Do as you like. Experiment. SMILE TO YOUR HORSE!!! There are many courses and many trainers who will tell you: do that and never do that, always only this
If you try to be someone better, someone different then you are now with your horses by engaging NEW THOUGHTS to convince your OLD THOUGHTS that you have changed and
In the first module we focused on Calmness to build up Communication between you and your horse. This is the essence of my whole teachings: Reconnect with your true self and observe how the world around you changes. In this module we can start to give our horses more Autonomy and communicate with them even further. You
W tym module skupimy sie na cwiczeniach, które pomoga nam uzyskac spokój i osiagnac porozumienie z koniem. Po przerobieniu cwiczen z tego modulu bedziesz w stanie przywolac swojego konia i poprosic, by z toba zostal, badz po prostu poczekal na ciebie za pomoca sygnalu “Przywolania” i sygnalu “Prosze, zostan”. Co wiecej, bedziesz w stanie uspokoic konia
In this module we will focus on exercises that will help us to establish calmness and to start communication between you and your horse. After this Module’s exercises you will be able to call your horse to come to you and ask him to stay with you or stay and simply wait for you thanks
In the upcoming modules I will show you exercises that we will start our workshop with and that you can do with your horse when you are together. This is very important now to remember that these exercises are NOT very important. And here, for us, HOW is understood by: the purity of your intensions,
Kiedy wprowadzam kliker do szkolenia koni, robię to w TRZECH ŁATWYCH KROKACH: PIERWSZY KROK: klikam i nagradzam W celu wprowadzenia klikera do szkolenia konia należy najpierw mu wytłumaczyć, co oznacza dźwięk klikera. Wprowadzanie klikera jest bardzo łatwe: Miej przy sobie kliker i małe smakołyki (np. kawałki marchewki) w przeznaczonej do tego torbie, Kliknij i
ZRÓDLO PROBLEMU Czlowiek jest naprawde wolny w zyciu, jezeli nie ciaza na nim ciezkie doswiadczenia z przeszlosci i jest wolny od strachu przed przyszloscia. Kiedy pozbywamy sie tych ograniczen, pozostaje samo dzialanie i radosc z kazdej chwili. Po prostu bycie. Chcialabym, zebyscie wlasnie tego doswiadczyli dzieki tej technice. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia uwalnianie sie