This Module comes with:

  • Lifetime access to all Module 2 Materials!
  • Written step-by-step Module 2 materials with Anna’s exercises for a flawless Sitting Trot technique,
  • How-to video tutorials showing Anna riding different horses in sitting trot (warmbloods & Iberian horses),
  • E-Book with Module 2 Sitting Trot theory and practice,
  • Audio lessons to listen to while you ride your horse!
  • LIVE SESSION with Anna for all students (takes place about 2-3 weeks after the Module Release date & stays recorded and available in the group for later viewing) where Anna answers your questions and provides an even deeper guidance! Let’s go beyond Sitting Trot technique experience!
  • Community of like-spirited student riders who are equally open, horse-friendly and motivated as you! (it’s not a joke, OneHorseLife connects people for a lifetime!!).


Anna’s Riding Method Course is available in English and Polish.

Complete your purchase & send us an email, and we will give you the right access!


ANNA’S RIDING METHOD Course is built of 13 MODULES. Each Module is being released and sold separately in order to make the course as available and accessible for everyone as much as possible! Because every rider deserves to RIDE TO THE ABSOLUTE MAX OF HER ABILITIES, and because every horse DESERVES TO BE RIDDEN WELL!


PRESALE. Release date: 3rd March 2023.




If there is one thing that both fascinates and scares riders worldwide most, it is the sitting trot! It can be a total nightmare OR the most pleasurable experience for the rider and his horse. All depends on the technique that the rider is using. Very few people know how to ride a good sitting trot, especially if their horses are so called BIG MOVERS. The strategy that many riders apply to the issue is to kill the motion of the back, and then look good even without having a good technique. In this Module you will learn how to become a very powerful, very stable ball of energy centred in the saddle in order to move together with the moving horse. You will learn how to support the movement of your horse’s back making it even bigger and more springy, so it can cary energy produced by the hind legs forward in a powerful and expressive manner. On top of that, thanks to Anna’s Riding Technique of Sitting Trot you are going to learn how to save your back, avoid back pains and shoulder tensions, and how to save your neck for the years to come so you can enjoy riding your horse for as long as possible.

This time you are going to learn most practical techniques that are going to take your Sitting Trot to the WHOLE NEW LEVEL of stability, elasticity, elegance and power.

If you are riding horses for more than a few months or years, and you still struggle with one or more of the following:

  • stability of the seat,
  • problems to post and sit the trot,
  • bouncing off the saddle in canter,
  • back pain, tense neck and shoulders,
  • wobbly upper body,
  • bouncing in the saddle,
  • too stiff or too insecure contact,
  • blocking the horse’s movement unawarely,
  • riding your horse through transitions,
  • gymnastic exercises and how to do them easily and in a way that makes horses “get it” almost instantly,
  • keeping the horse motivated and moving forward willingly…

And if, on top of that, you feel VERY CONFUSED with all the riding tips and riding techniques that circulate out there…

It simply means that you have not been taught how to ride a horse right. Yes, you read that right.

Good technique makes everything simple, clear and easy. Good technique is like a knife that cuts off the  b*shit leaving you only with what’s true, powerful and right. And this is how our course is going to be: powerful, true and right. You will learn tons, read tons, experience tons and watch tons of easy to follow, step-by-step explained riding video tutorials.

In my opinion it lays in every single person’s ability to ride horses well.

Riders just need to know what to do, how to do it, and when to do what and in what order.

Good horseback riding is not about equestrian tact, some special magical feel (that some lucky people posses and others do not), and in fact doesn’t require hours and hours of learning. Good technique always makes everything quicker, easier, and better. Good horseback riding is about knowing how to do a few things, but how to do them exceptionally well. Unfortunately, most of the trainers do not know these few things themselves, do not know where the key to them is hidden, do not understand them and how to do them, or do not know how to pass them to you. There are also some trainers that will simply not pass them to you even if they know how to do them, because it makes them look like they ride so much better than others.

This must change!

I invite you wholeheartedly to join ANNA’S RIDING METHOD COURSE today!

You will learn how to:

  • Achieve exceptional stability of your seat in the saddle (and this is going to be in MODULE 1!! because stability in the saddle is the prerequisite to achieving relaxation in the saddle both for yourself and for your horse).
  • Do exceptional, smooth, stable and effortless posting trot that will help you engage your horse’s back,
  • Do exceptional sitting trot without bouncing around (& we are NOT going to do it by clenching your back or your abdomen muscles – if you are using these techniques currently, you have to know there is a better way!)
  • Achieve stable and steady contact with your horse’s mouth, that the horse will love and will seek out by himself,
  • Ride your horse on the circles and achieve good bend throughout the entire body of the horse,
  • Ride smooth, effortless transitions without disturbing rhythm of your horse’s movement,
  • Canter without bouncing in the saddle and pumping with your seat,
  • Change frames from low and working frames to high and collected frames,
  • Rider straight lines that blow observer’s minds,
  • Ride gymnastics exercises such as shoulder-in, counter shoulder-in, travers, renvers using everything that you have learned from us in the previous modules. You will learn how to ride these gymnastic exercises effortlessly, you will learn how not to push horse with your legs, block with the seat and how not to block him with your hand. AND YOU WILL BE SHOWN WHAT TO DO INSTEAD.
  • Achieve PERFECT FLOW of the motion with your horse, so everything that you do from under the saddle looks absolutely effortless, smooth and enchanting!


Anna’s Riding Method Course will be released Module by Module in a monthly basis in order to make it as affordable and as accessible for everyone as possible. Because every rider should be able to ride to the absolute MAX of their abilities, and because every horse deserves to be ridden well!


Posting trot, what not many riders realise, is the true entrance to the sitting trot. If you post your posting trot well, transitioning to the sitting trot will feel like the easiest thing on the planet, and the most obvious one. In this Module you are going to learn everything about Rider’s Seat stability, and how to achieve it without bracing against the moving horse, or blocking horses movement with your body. You are going to learn how to start posting trot right, without using stirrups, clenching your knees on the saddle, and without jumping ahead (and loading with your weight) steps of the horse causing trot to become disunited, lacking spring and energy with time. This module is prerequisite to moving forward into the Module 2 and learning how to do the Sitting Trot right!


If there is one thing that both fascinates and scares riders worldwide most, it is the sitting trot! It can be a total nightmare OR the most pleasurable experience for the rider and his horse. All depends on the technique that the rider is using. Very few people know how to ride a good sitting trot, especially if their horses are so called BIG MOVERS. The strategy that many riders apply to the issue is to kill the motion of the back, and then look good even without having a good technique. In this Module you will learn how to become a very powerful, very stable ball of energy centred in the saddle in order to move together with the moving horse. You will learn how to support the movement of your horse’s back making it even bigger and more springy, so it can cary energy produced by the hind legs forward in a powerful and expressive manner. On top of that, thanks to Anna’s Riding Technique of Sitting Trot you are going to learn how to save your back, avoid back pains and shoulder tensions, and how to save your neck for the years to come so you can enjoy riding your horse for as long as possible.


Debugging the myths about contact. Good contact is for every person & every horse. Good contact and horse going onto the bit in a relaxed manner is not an option for interested or advanced enough people, but the key to success in mastering flowing together as one with your horse without thinking, analysing, guessing and anticipating. It is the key to unity, and therefore we are going to introduce you to our techniques of establishing good contact straight away in Module 3, once your seat is stabilised and you know how to move in the saddle in a way horses do understand at once and intuitively.

MODULE 4: TURNING & CIRCLES [Release April 2023]

If you were taught to push the horse with the inside leg to the outside rein, in this Module you will discover how horses really turn, what allows this turning for them, and how riders worldwide are blocking horses from ability to turn by riding them from inside leg to the outside rein. You will learn how to turn and ride circles through the principle of the guiding outside rein which is supporting the horse to lengthen throughout the entire outside side of the his body.


In this Module you are going to learn all basic transitions such as: Halt-Walk-Halt, Walk-Trot-Walk, Halt-Trot-Halt, Trot-Canter-Trot, Walk-Canter-Walk, Halt-Canter-Halt. You are going to learn why do we do transitions and how they affect horse’s back. You are going to understand why each transition is a separate type of movement, and an exact moment in which movement patterns change for the horse from one to another. You are going to learn why blocking the flow between these different movement patterns with your hand and seat is harmful for the horse and his development, and most importantly YOU ARE GOING TO LEARN HOW TO RIDE THESE TRANSITIONS CORRECTLY.


Bouncing in the saddle in canter is the nightmare of many riders and their horses. Canter is an important movement for horse’s development and every rider has to learn how to sit within the canter in such a way to support cantering horse and to not sit against the moving horse. Anna’s Riding Method comes to the rescue for all of you who struggle with feeling comfortable and stable in the saddle in canter. In this Module you are going to learn how to stop pumping or sliding with your seat in the saddle while cantering.


Changes of the frames is based on creating ability for the horse to move in total relaxation in different frames. In this Module you are going to learn how to relax your horse at different heights of the frames with your correct technique, and most importantly what this technique is all about: you are going to discover how horses naturally change frames in response to the rider changing the ratio between energy, rhythm and length of the steps of the moving horse. You are going to understand how to do this without using your hand or contact with the bit, but your seat only.


Riding on straight lines is the easiest thing you can imagine, given that the rider has good seat stability, good contact with the horse’s mouth, and is able to ride the horse forward without creating any tensions. Join this Module to discover that this is totally TRUE and in TOTAL REACH for you and your horse!

MODULE 9: GYMNASTICS EXERCISES (Shoulder-in, Counter shoulder-in, Travers, Renvers) [Release June 2023]

Many trainers teach Shoulder-in and Travers using combinations of many aids. In effect executing these movements becomes overcomplicated for the rider and for the horse. In this module you will learn how to ride shoulder-in and traverse using very straightforward method which is immediately understandable for every horse. Methods which we use in Anna’s Riding Method for shoulder-in and traverse keep horses relaxed and open in movement. There is no blocking or artificial bending. Instead we apply simplicity and openness which make everything very effective.


It’s very important to not create constant pressure points on the horse’s body. If your leg-yields or half-passes are done by pressing the leg onto the horse’s body, this creates tension and stiffens the horse. In this Module you will learn how to ride side movements using guiding seat, and not pressing seat aids. You will learn how to sit straight and maintain relaxation in your upper body, so the contact and flow of the movement can be maintained.


In this Module you will learn how to collect your horse without stiffening his back and pelvis. Many riders collect the horse with the seat, which is stiffening the rider’s pelvis and back, and ultimately increases stiffness of the horse, and therefore blocks the flow of the energy through the horse’s body. You are going to learn how to shorten the frame of the horse, and shifting weight behind without stiffening his back.


Extended trot is a very important movement in the training of any sport horse. Good execution of this movement requires from the rider to have immaculate riding technique which allows to add energy to the movement while keeping tempo, relaxation and openness. In this module you will learn how to add energy to the horse’s movement and maintain good seat, contact and relaxed, open movement of the horse.


In this module you will learn how to realise the dream of so many riders: how to move as one with your horse. You will learn how to ride and move with your horse without barriers built from aids and cues. You will learn how to merge with your horses body to create one moving creature: A CENTAUR. We cannot wait to teach you this so your dreams about unity with your horse finally come true!


ANNA’S RIDING METHOD Course comes with:

  • Lifetime access to all Course materials,
  • Written and video materials to study at home at your own pace,
  • Audio lessons to follow while you ride your horse (it is like having Anna by your side ALL THE TIME!)
  • International Community of fellow students riders who are equally motivated, open and success oriented as you!

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