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THE AMAZING POWER OF RELAXATION The kind of Relaxation that you have learned about and then experienced during our 14-DAYS Mini-HUGE-Course in Relaxation together with your horse is just the first step towards something even bigger. No matter how moving, deep, meaningful and beautiful moments of conscious Relaxation together with your horse were, we have

MODULE 11: From Relaxation to Communication

FROM RELAXATION TO COMMUNICATION Communication is Life. Without the ability to communicate our bodies would die very quickly. Every cell in the body needs to communicate with the rest of the organism, otherwise, the whole body becomes sick and dies. Communication is the base of every Life, and we need this communication between us and

MODULE 10: Conscious Relaxation

CONSCIOUS RELAXATION Two very frequently asked questions that Anna receives from the students and followers worldwide are: ‘How conscious can the Relaxation become for my horse?’, and ‘How to recognize that the Relaxation has turned conscious?’ Relaxation has turned conscious when the owner/trainer notices that the horse is awarely choosing to use deepening his own

MODULE 9: Developing Relaxation Technique. Alternative Path

HUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! On some days, and for some people and horses it can be just too difficult to connect with the spontaneous moments of relaxation taking place in their bodies constantly and create a shared experience of entering relaxation together, as one. It happens to around 5 to 15% of people and

MODULE 8: Developing Relaxation Technique

DEVELOPING YOUR HORSE’S RELAXATION TECHNIQUE The next stage of our journey, which is presented below, is the second most important one on your journey through the Mini-Huge-Course in Relaxation. It stands just one step behind the stage during which you developed the ability to clench the fist in order to connect with tensions and release

MODULE 7: Teaching Relaxation

RELAXATION: THE ART OF DOING NOTHING OR LESS In this Mini-HUGE-Course Conscious Muscle Relaxation is our star performer, so let’s look into that a little deeper. During the past few days, you have been consciously practicing paying attention to the moments of relaxation of the muscles that clench your fist. From this experience, you have

MODULE 6: Relaxation Signs versus Calming Signals: PRACTICE WITH HORSE

The Field of Universal Meanings We already have spoken about this interesting fact that when it comes to Relaxation everyone has his theory about it. There are many theories and many philosophical concepts that seem to resonate with different people and speak to them the most. But no matter what is your subjective opinion or

MODULE 5: Relaxation Signs

CALMING SIGNALS AND RELAXATION SIGNS In order to teach your horse the skill of Conscious Relaxation, you will need to become familiar with both Calming Signals and Relaxation Signs. What Is A Calming Signal? Most dog-lovers are familiar with the term Calming Signals, thanks to the work of Turid Rugaas, a Norwegian canine ethologist. She

MODULE 4: Experiencing Relaxation

Experiencing Relaxation For me, it is crucial that before we move to TEACH YOU HOW TO TEACH YOUR HORSE relaxation, you need to know what relaxation is. You cannot teach your horse, what you do not have, or do not understand. When it comes to Relaxation it becomes very tricky, simply because for us, humans,

MODULE 3: Wait, Let’s Talk About This Before We Start

I LOVE teaching Conscious Muscle Relaxation to Horses and their Humans, and whenever I am doing it I get convinced more and more what a fascinating and deeply moving process it is. When we start to enter the state of Relaxation correctly it becomes powerful and real. It starts to affect our Life in a
