For today’s Training Article I prepared for you I know nothing I came here with the strong desire, and I surrender my desires to you. I know nothing. Please guide

DANGER: POWERFUL KNOWLEDGE INSIDE !!! :) The support of all actions lies in the infinite power of the Nature. You can access this support when you start you actions free of any worrying and tensions. When you are not worrying about the outcome of your actions, you can CREATE. Creating is experiencing NEW. Creating is
Through the experiences of this Module my wish is to give you and your horse the gift of introduction to dressage exercises that you can experience from the ground, and later from the saddle. On the Spiritual Path of growth that you are following supported by your horse, it is very important to not cut
Extended GroundWork Workshop is your next step on your path supported by OneHorseLife. The very first experience that you had was our B.A.S.E. Kick-Start Training. The purpose of B.A.S.E Kick-Start Training was to introduce you step by step to the concept of Calmness. During B.A.S.E. Kick-Start Training you could have experienced what Calmness is, how to be Calm
It always amazes me that people can tell in one breath and in one sentence that horses are very intelligent animals and respond to the subtlest changes of the most
In the first module, you had experiences that were designed to help you to expand your body awareness to open you up for even deeper communication between you and your horse. During the past week you have experienced that every time you became more Calm, present, smiling and light in your head and in your body, your horse changed immediately. These
Because of the lack of proper words and due to the limitations that communication through the written language creates, I have to use some words (to tell you what you will do and experience in further exercises) that lost their true meaning. I will use the words that are being over-used, and their true meaning
Horses teach us how to be Calm. Everything else they show is just the effect of us being Calm and acting from the level of Calmness. Your horse can teach
Many times I receive questions from my students and other people that seek answers to their questions in OneHorseLife and Calmness: “What to do? My horse is not going forward? My horse says no to movement forward from the saddle”. My answer is always the very same: All horses love to move and they love to
Passing through the River of the illusion that horses can be only receivers of information during training meetings. Many times people ask me “How to know that the horse wants/agrees for…”, and I always tell them: When it happens, you will simply know it, you will feel it through your whole body and you will