Many people turn away from riding with the bit. We all can see how much abuse is happening in the today’s world connected with misusage of the bits, pulling and
At this moment of your Optimal Performance Program Training, your dog should be able to respond spontaneously with Relaxation Signs and deepening Relaxation to most of the things that are happening to him, and around him. What is more, by now your dog should be able to connect you and your presence with Relaxation, up
“My horse doesn’t want to move forward” One of the most common signs of that the horse, even a very young horse, is suffering from the Digestive Tract tensions is
Although the RELAX THAT STOMACH Technique (from the Optimal Performance Program) is dedicated to the topic of relaxation of the digestive tract (stomach & guts) for horses, I promised my
In this article you will learn how tensions limit performance, and affect number of behaviors horses can offer due to skeletal muscle tensions. You will also discover how and why
You have successfully completed Optimal Performance Program! During the past eight weeks you have taught your horse how to recognize Spontaneous Relaxations of his body, and you have shown him how to turn them into a consciously accessed Relaxation Technique. After that, you have taught your horse how to use his Relaxation Technique in order
Developing Relaxation Technique: Developing Relaxation Technique: Developing Relaxation Technique: Developing Relaxation Technique: Developing Relaxation Technique: Developing Relaxation Technique: Developing Relaxation Technique: Relaxation on Restriction of Food: Relaxation on Orders: Relaxation on Restriction of Movement: Relaxation on Difficulties Relaxation on Changing Movement Patterns: How does Relaxation better behavior/performance? Relaxation Awakens Affection
Saddling and Mounting using OPP Principles: From Relaxation on Restrictions, and Difficulties to Preparation to Saddling From Relaxation on Difficulties, to Relaxation on Saddling Relaxation on Saddling and Mounting with Cadeau de Dieu Relaxation Opens Communication: Mounting with Falcão Relaxation on Saddling and Mounting with Falcão: A session led by Anna Everyday Handling using OPP
WEEK 9: Relaxation on Changing Movement Patterns Movement Patterns define how your horse moves. Teaching new movement patterns is an essential part of horse training. You need to teach your horse how to move in balance before you can introduce him to advanced exercises and riding. In this chapter, you will learn how to teach
WEEK 8: Relaxation on Elevated Heart Rate The ability to maintain and deepen muscle relaxation during movement with an elevated heart rate is the basic ability that distinguishes an ordinary mortal from a professional athlete. Without this ability, movement tires body very quickly, and makes the performer avoid the movement. Relaxation on Elevated Heart Rate