Recent scientific researches show that people who have trusting attitude towards Life, experience less pain and sickness and generally achieve more when compared with people who see Life and environment as a threat.
For someone who sees others and environment as a threat, trust means short moments of allowing others to do something outside of my control, and to immediately judge whether I like it or not. On the other hand, for someone who sees Life and others as source of support and information, TRUST is very natural and is not based on judging the actions of others.
Scientific researches show that the latter attitude towards Life is responsible for bigger success during the Life and less health problems, especially connected with experiencing pain. In simpler words: people who trust deeper, experience less pain in their lives. These researches are so important, that they led to develop the new pain-release treatments based on teaching how to see environment as a place of support.
From my experience as a trainer working with horses and people, I see that the same truth applies to horses: it is very important that the horse trusts you and sees other horses and other people as supporters of his Life, not as a threat that he can “handle” from time to time.
In the new OneHorseLife KIDS video I provide materials for parents to grow trusting attitude in their children. It is very important to support DEEP TRUST in the children, and teach them that their environment is supporting them very early, as this will influence their whole Life.
In the new OHL KIDS video series about TRUST I will be showing how to grow awareness from: “HE DOESN’T LIKE ME or HE DOESN’T WANT TO DO WHAT I WANT” to “HE SUPPORTS ME TO LEARN HOW TO APPROACH THIS SITUATION IN A BETTER WAY”.
OneHorseLife KIDS is my special program designed to support parents and children in speaking about important things in a way that promotes openness, understanding, and honesty. Every Sunday parents receive a new video with information dedicated only to them. Parents watch video with children, and can use the provided guidance to provide even deeper understanding of what is happening on the video to their children, and to relate the video to their life situation.
OneHorseLife KIDS IS FUN and GROWTH at the same time and for everyone
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