When you look at any “incorrect” movement of the horse captured at any frame or “illustrated” by any graphic, you can see that the reason of the “incorrectness” there, is not the frame or the movement of the horse, but the STIFFNESS.
Relaxed horse is always beautiful, looks always stunning and healthy, and is always balanced. What is more, a relaxed horse is always full of energy and carries his body in a beautiful way. This is true in any frame, with any head and neck position and in all gaits.
Instead of looking for a better way of moving for your horse, look for a deeper relaxation in the movement. Dedicate all your actions to support and enliven relaxation of your horse, and you will soon enjoy the fruits of it when looking at the beautiful, balanced and healthy movement of your horse.
Access to your horse’s Body Awareness comes through your Body Awareness, not through your techniques, playful tricks or expanding the understanding of how the limbs of the horse move.
Awareness is like the water that fills the cells and spaces between them in the body of your horse. Your first goal on this path, is to become aware of where there is stiffness or thickness in the body of your horse, and create the possibilities of this space to free up and welcome the awareness. When the awareness arrives in the body, the body becomes more vital, healthy, agile and full of live.
Expanding your Horse’s Body Awareness is the best way to support him in becoming able to access the correct, healthy and beautiful movement in all the frames, in all gaits and in all equestrian disciplines at the same time.
I am super excited for my Body Awareness For Horses, Self-Study Course that starts on the 31st of March 2017: