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Truth is True on All Levels

When there is truth on the level of being that is connecting everything, you can see this truth shining through the all levels of existence. Truth expresses itself as beauty: You can see the beauty of the movement. You can see the beauty of the body. You can see the beauty of the moment. You

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Developing Beautiful Body in an Effortless Way

Life wants to express itself. The Life of your horse expresses itself through the beautiful body and through the beautiful movement of your horse. To enjoy this beauty around you, it is enough to support your horse to express himself through his body and movement to the fullness. To enjoy this beauty around you, it is

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Riding Outdoors with your horse

Riding outdoors can be so much fun, and can be such a beautiful and inspiring experience for you and your horse. From my experience horses love to go out and explore new environment, they love to walk through the paths in the woods and they love to be able to move freely forward without having

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Decomposing the Power and the Movement with Silvaner

Let us repeat what was established in the previous materials once again: If the action of the trainer or the action taken by the horse, instead of increasing the balance and relaxation, brings tension that can be seen by any change in the gait or the movement (so the movement stops to have the quality

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Decomposing the Power and the Movement with Cour d’Alaine

Our beautiful journey continues: Decomposing the Power and the Movement for greater Balance and growing Body Awareness, part 2: Meeting with Cour d’Alaine. I am so in love with our upcoming Course Expanding Body Awareness for Horses. It will be released on the 30th of April and I look forward to hearing from the students

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Decomposing the Power and the Movement with Cadeau de Dieu

Balance is the Expression of the Awareness. The greater is the Awareness, the bigger is the Balance.  In my work I see many times how people seek ways to make their horses stronger through endless repetitions and rounds, believing that only a strong horse can be a horse with a good balance. People look at the sports

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The moment in which we enter patterns, we lose access to freedom. There is no freedom for our actions, for our thinking and for our being when we follow patterns. The mind naturally gets attached to the patterns and finds peace in following them. When the mind follows pattern, it is focused on the pattern.

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The One will become the Whole

  Can Life be light? Can Life be like sliding down the snowy slope? Can Life be as effortless as singing a song? Why Life is so hard from time to time? Why do we have to go through the anger, pain, tears and moments when we feel betrayed? Why do we all feel broken

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The Lesson of Straightness with Cadeau de Dieu

I believe that one of the very first things we have to establish when starting the young horse under the saddle, except of Calmness that is always the base of all our actions, are the directions: left right and straight forward. The first lessons the horse will learn under the saddle are the ones that

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Movement Together is an Expression of Shared Awareness

In the previous JoinAnna Material we spoke about Movement as an Expression of Awareness. You could learn from this Material that seeing movement as the expression of Awareness can be a very practical approach that answers very important questions. One of the questions that we have asked and answered there, was the question about moving together in

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