Listening to the student is the CORE base of being a good teacher. A good teacher doesn’t start from the place where she wants to start from. A good teacher
WHEN YOU FEEL LIGHTNESS in your body, your horse will show you this lightness in his body: We have been preparing Lorraine Campbell for this Training during our BodyMarc Sessions.
When we grow our awareness, we start to experience beautiful things: we meet beautiful people, we have outstanding deep experiences which, many times, we don’t want to share with anyone,
Life is communicating with you through sickness showing you your resistance to grow that is present in you in the form of a tension. The more you free your body,
We have been to Portugal only three times so far, but there are no words I can find to tell you how welcomed people of this country made us feel.
We all know that there is something more than our physical bodies. When we think about it, we turn ourselves to our thoughts and emotions. When we feel it, we
Healing is the process of growing your Awareness. When you Awareness grows, more things are accessible to you. When you have a desire to express your Life, and this expression
Gratefulness All the things that are happening in your life and have meaning and true value for you are coming to you as a gift. You can grow and change
How the Equestrian FEEL has been mythicized to be something “only for the chosen” and talented people? When people don’t know the reason why something becomes possible, they like to
– are the essence elements of our lives. They all show the same aspect of life which is NA. NA is a word from the ancient language MOVA, and means