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The more Calmness we have, the more NA we can have. Calmness is creating space for NA. It is very important and very practical knowledge. When we want to open for more NA with our horse (when we want more energy from our horse), we will go deeper and deeper into our Calmness. It is exactly the

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NA is a new concept in your Life. Understanding of NA will be blocked by your thinking and imaginations. When new information comes to us, our brain is trying to interpret it. Ego starts to “protect” us from the new things and it labels this information as “good” or “bad”. We always have to know if we agree

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The Energy / NA

Energy is the word that means something. Energy creates movement, power, mass, etc. Energy allows things to happen. What we see as the movement of the mass, the muscle workout, the speed and the power is in fact the outcome energy, and not the Energy itself. I am aware of the fact that you probably have already heard a lot about

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