Tomorrow, I will publish our 1st MODULE’s exercises and we will do some things together with your horse, but before we do this… please find a moment to read my guidance. In the upcoming modules I will show you exercises that we will start our workshop with and that you can do with your
Horses know a lot more than we think. We, humans, tend to diminish other animals because we need to feel special. In fact, we are very limited in many areas in which other animals are masters. Humans always think and we see the world through our thoughts. We can not see the reality directly. We
In this Module we will experience the power of True Understanding. True Understanding is based on the understanding of I. That means that to understand anything we need to understand ourselves, first. We can build understanding of ourselves thanks to our horses that are showing us who we really are in every moment. It is
W pierwszym module naszego Workshopu skupiliśmy się na komunikacji pomiędzy Tobą, a Twoim koniem. Mogłaś zobaczyć, że za każdym razem kiedy Ty się uspokajałaś, Twój koń zmieniał się momentalnie razem z Tobą. To esencja moich wszystkich lekcji: Połącz się ze swoim Prawdziwym Ja i obserwuj jak świat wokół Ciebie się zmienia. W tym module możemy
True cooperation is something that I find almost entirely forgotten these days. True Cooperation means that both parties understand what they will be doing together and they commit in the action willingly and with 100% engagement. In our lives we tend to hurry ourselves and we always worry that we are “behind” and that some
In this module, you will learn how to engage really in doing some actions and how to engage your horse in these actions with you. It is crucial for you now to really understand the exercises from the two previous modules. First of all, always remember that we do not teach the horse to do something,
It is always better to die living your own Life Path than to follow other people’s Life Paths even for one day. It’s always better to do the things that
Beauty is never changing quality based on truth. Beauty is never changing but is live and vibrant. You can not say that something is beautiful in the morning and that
Look at the Nature. Touch your dog. Feel the subtle wind on your cheek. — Often people get furious when they turn to me for a “serious and detailed” advice
— but to help them to become artists you have to teach them to recognise who they really are. You can know everything about the brushes and the paints, you