Calming signals is a term introduced by Norwegian dog trainer Turid Rugaas (2005) to describe the behaviors that dogs show when trying to calm a situation. For animals living in groups, ways
Some years ago behaviourists used to think that animals are passive. But animals are active, they have their own goals and aspirations. We have to be aware of this fact.
During last hundred years we had many scientific discoveries on how people and animals learn new things. This is very broad subject and very well covered in the literature and
True partnership is possible only when you know who you are. True partnership is based on promises and on stability. Stability and keeping promises are not possible if you don’t
If you are spending your time really together with your horse in the Here and Now and you are open to what your horse is telling you, this can lead
When your horse is CALM and feels safe, also because he fully understands what you want from him, and your horse has AUTONOMY to decide what he wants to do
You have to be very honest with yourself at this point. And you need to check very thoroughly that you have the background for training that is free from fear,
Another big change in your attitude is to give your horse the True Autonomy. Many people try to do this and they come to the conclusion that is is a
When everyone is calm the communication can start. When you are scared of your horse and your horse is afraid of you communication is simply impossible. Everyone is following their
From your current Attitude and Awareness to CHANGE During the upcoming clinic, I will share with you my attitude, my techniques and the approach that allowed me to become the