Taking actions from the level of I.
Taking actions in Connection. In Connection with the True I.
Ya – True I
Ga – Action
Ga (action) supported by the Ya (True I).
When you know how to Connect, you can start taking actions coming from this Connection.
Horses are the best teachers of YoGa. But first, you need to know how to Connect with your body and through your body with your True I.
When Connection is accessible to you, you can start acting from this level. Horses can teach you how to do it, by showing you what is real and what is your imagination.
Later you can ask your body for help. And your body can guide you toward this connection.
And this is YoGa.
Thank you Sari for an inspiration.
Thank you Anna for showing us this every day.
The word Yoga comes from an ancient language MoVa. It stayed in many languages in different forms. What is interesting the meaning that stayed is related to horses. In English, the word was changed into Yoke.
When you loose connection and try to do YoGa, what you get is Yoke.