“Hello Beautiful Anna this has taken a while, and may just be a sequel event but I have finally found my words…. A Tribute to you and Cour d’Alaine to THANK YOU for the guidance that I will cherish now and forever!
The GIFT of GIVING that flows abundantly
The only gift I have for you, dear Anna, is the gift of OPENESS. To be truly and honestly OPEN to the experiences you and your horses had to show me whilst in Poland.
To be present, right here right now and OPEN like the waves that greet the Sandy shores!
First impressions of beautiful Cour d’Alaine… so sweet, so pure, so ready to teach. HE picked me and lead ME to something special. With frequent CALM and patient reminders of my tensions – “not like that”, he guided me so beautifully, washing away, like the rolling waves, the fears of starting conversations and to free my mind of the old habits.
To release myself from tensions by “shaking off the drops of rain from my shoulders”, an invaluable life lesson I take home with me today!
We stand together in CALMNESS, like the quiet lake on a breathless day….
I OPEN my heart to the thought of trot;
I TRUST; and
just like that we move together in UNITY, with PURPOSE like the rising tide.
I LET GO of any inclination and instantly we have one magnificent stride of canter.
My AWARENESS has grown and just like that beautiful Cour d’Alaine has shown me the GIFT of GIVING. Like beautiful strangers passing through the night we SMILE with gratitude and are THANKFUL for the moments we spent together!”
These beautiful words I received today from my dear student Andreia Ho-Tong who visited us here in Poland for the Live Trainings with our horses.
I have no words.
I cherish the Life, for it is simply Beautiful.
Beyond words beautiful. I am so privilege that I can lead to direct experience of the Life’s beauty others. With the help of my horses.