– Fear
– Calmness / Love / Beauty
If actions are born in fear, the fruits of the action will brig more fear. This is very simple: if you plant the orange seed, you will later collect oranges, if you plant apples seeds, you will later collect apples. If you plant love, you collect love. If you plant fear, you collect fear.
One source is life’s supporting, other source is not supporting life. The way to act is to find your everyday enjoyment coming from every single second that you join and follow it.
Why do you go to your horse?
To fix him? To give him one hour of run? No. You visit your horse to love him, to spend wonderful time together, to enjoy each other. And all your actions with your horse can develop from this place.
It’s difficult to understand it with the thinking mind, because the mind seeks procedures. It is called programming. So on this path we are speaking to your soul, and not to your mind.
When you go to your horse, and you are sick or not feeling well, your horse may not want to work with you. Simply because he is concerned about your health and because the whole Nature sees your health as more important than teaching or learning the exercises. If you think otherwise, that the exercises are more important than your health, the horse and the Nature will have to show you that you are mistaken.
If you want to blossom, you need to blossom the whole tree.
It’s impossible to blossom only one branch or one flower of a tree.
When you take care about YOU, your horse can blossom as well.
Then the whole LIFE blossoms with you, your horse as well.