When two bodies act together without asking or demanding, and when they act at the same time, this is the expression of togetherness as we teach it in OneHorseLife.
OneHorseLife teaches TOGETHERNESS.
Leo (2yo) has never been taken by me for a training from another horse, I even think that he has never seen me from such a close distance as today when I was riding our horses before. What is more, Leo has never been to the big forest before (it’s a long road, that leads through the wetlands – impossible to be crossed on foot). And most of the paths and the routes that we took during this hack were new to all our horses…
How is it even possible that so many “first times” and “no previous preparations” and “never before” mixed up and gave such a nice, smooth and beautiful result that filled our hearts and hearts of our horses with PURE JOY?
It’s because of the Flow of the Awareness.
In Calmness Awareness can flow, and create new possibilities that become available for us to take and explore. Whenever I am Calm I feel what is possible for the given moment and then I explore it to the fullness enjoying the new opening happening in my Life.