I breathe and I feel how the air fills my body like the water that fills the glass. I slowly start to feel my stomach inside my belly. I feel how it feels: if it’s relaxed and rested, or if it needs some more care. I just breathe and feel. In the silence between me and my body, with every touch of my feel, I give my body my love and gratitude.
I start to feel my stomach exact position inside my belly and the insides and outsides of it. I ask its outside to hang down loosely, and it’s inside to lift up. I do nothing, I just breathe and…when it’s relaxed it goes smoothly up, and the goosebumps of pleasure fill up my body. And then I know we are home: Connected, rested, relaxed. My body and me.
When I start the day from saying hello to my body, the whole day is different:
I feel which soap my body wants to use, and what kind of water it wants to drink. I feel which shoes it wants to wear, how much time it wants to stay in the sun and in the shade, and which cream my cheeks want today. These choices are different everyday, and with every moment of everyday they change. Just like my body. I can follow and feel my body since last year deeper than ever before. And it started to speak to me so clearly, loudly and powerfully, that it makes my head spin. It’s so beautiful.
You may not like what you see here, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that WE SHOULD NOT BE AFRAID to follow our bodies we live in groups and these groups determinate what is acceptable within the group, or seen as “normal”.
What your body seeks will never be normal to others, but will be very natural to you. Simply because we all have different bodies, and they all seek and need different things, movement and start of the day.