In my life I spent years not using treats with my horses. These years taught me one thing: that is not important if you give or not give the treats, but who are you feeding? Who are you feeding with your attention / desires / thoughts / touches / smiles and treats?
Neither Slave, nor Thief is able to teach you. If you want to learn from your horse, you need to awaken in him the Creator. No matter if you decide to use treats or not to use them, you have to focus your whole attention and dedicate your whole being to awakening and feeding the Creator. In yourself, and in your horse.
AÂ Creator can be fed and awakened only by the other Creator.
A Thief can feed only another Thief.
A Slave can feed only another Slave.
This is why horses are able to change so quickly when they change the owner, or the person they spend their time with. This is also why in some people’s hands horses are able to achieve their brilliancy. The brilliancy is awaken when one Creator meets another Creator.
The Slave, the Thief and the Creator
The Slave is waiting for someone to give him a reward, and to release him from doing things and let him wait; no matter if the reward is a moment of break, a nice scratch on the withers or a piece of a carrot. When you feed the Slave in your horse, your horse becomes more and more passive, “obedient”, and inactive. Your horse waits for you to organise everything around him, and give him all solutions. Your horse doesn’t engage him in the training, and you have to constantly remind him to work harder, and be more engaged. If you do it, you also became a Slave â a Slave bounded by the training systems, follow-up rules; a Slave that doesn’t see the horse, but the things he has to do.
When you feed the Thief in your horse, your horse steals more and more. He stills the treats, he pretends to be engaged in what to do, whereas all he thinks about is the next thing to steal: a break, a scratch, an opportunity to do what he wanted. This is because you steel more and more from your horse. You steal from him his engagement into the exercises and responses to your cues. A Thief can be feed only by another Thief.
The Creator creates new situations, and good things happen to him. The more you feed the Creator in your horse, the more your horse creates new things and new situations. He creates and because of that he can fully engage into the training, both physically and emotionally. When you feed the Creator in your horse, you become the Creator yourself.
The Slave is waiting.
The Thief is stealing.
The Creator is creating.
When the Slave becomes too excited, he can start stealing, and becomes the Thief.
When the Thief becomes too scared, he can stop stealing, and becomes the Slave.
The Creator always stays as the Creator. There is nothing of the Thief nor of the Slave in the creator.
The Thief can steal, and the Slave can wait because the Creator creates.
Your horse wants to be the creator
Horses support creation. Your horse will support you when you start creation when you are with him. Your horse wants to show you that he IS the Creator, and he wants to awaken the Creator in you.
When you start to change your horse into the Slave or into the Thief, your horse cannot fulfil his full potential. Your horse knows that he is not with you to serve or to steal, he is with you to Create.
When you change your horse to the Slave or the Thief, this situation is unstable, and the Nature will show you that you have to do something to end it.
When you support your horse to be the Creator, the Nature will support you. Because the Nature supports creation. Your horse will support you to show you, that he wants to create NEW with you, and that he wants you to be the Creator as well.
Who is talking to me?
When you are the Slave, you can talk only to another Slave or to another Thief.
When you are the Thief, you can talk only to another Slave or to another Thief.
Only the Creator can talk to another Creator.
It is more important WHO is with your horse than WHAT are you doing together.
WHO is walking with your horse?
WHO is touching your horse?
WHO is giving treats to your horse?
WHO is smiling to your horse?
WHO is angry at your horse?
WHO is happy with your horse?
WHO is correcting your horse?
WHO is riding with your horse?
WHO is riding on your horse?
A Slave, a Thief or a Creator?
Awakening of the Creator
When you are free from tensions, you can create. When you are not expecting or demanding, you create. When you are open to see and experience the NEW you create. When you are not worrying about the outcome of your actions, you create.
When you are Calm, you create.
Calmness opens the doors to creation.
You don’t create because you do not like what you see around yourself. You don’t create because you are not happy with the things you already have. You create, because you are so happy with everything that you have, that you are OPEN to have more and more of them, and because you are open to experience all the flavours of Life.
You are so happy that you can stand with your horse, that you are open to experience walk together. Such a walk will be created. It will not be served and it will not be stolen. It will be created together by you and your horse, in unity.
Such a walk will bring to you new experiences. You will be surprised each time you will create such a walk with your horse. You cannot repeat such a walk. You can only open yourself to create it again, and again, and again.
You can invite your horse to create this walk with you.
The Creator invites another Creator to create.
When you are very happy that you walk with your horse, you can create trot or canter. When you enjoy each step of the walk, when each step brings you more and more happiness, you can create trot, canter, passage or piaffer. You will create this movement with your horse. It is not repeating techniques. It is not tricking your horse to move. It is creating new movement together with your horse. It is experiencing how new movement can evolve from old movement, just because you so much like what you see.
And then you say “thank you.”
And then you can give a treat to tell “thank you” to the Creator in horse.
Thanking the Creator for creation
You say “Thank you” to the Creator in your horse because you are so happy that you could have experienced this moment together. You say “Thank you”, because what you have created together is beautiful.
You say “thank you”, because every time you create something together, this moment changes you.
You have expressed yourself.
Your horse has expressed himself.
You have created new experience together.
The Nature is expanding and growing.
The Creator creates.
Join JoinAnna: OneHorseLife Training Videos program and let me inspire you and support you in awaking the Creator in You and your horse through real-life videos showing my trainings with my horses, trainings of my students, and training articles delivered to you every week!
Photography by Jessica Joubert shows me and my beautiful Furious Dancer during a moment of creation of the pesade.
Beautifully said! Thank you very much. I know this part within me. Thank you for bringing it forth!