Optimal Performance Program: Self-Study

  • UNIQUE and INNOVATIVE science-based method of teaching horses conscious relaxation of skeletal and smooth muscle tensions PRIOR and DURING action to improve their health, focus and performance,
  • OVER 60 VIDEOS recorded in a practical step-by-step manner + full training tutorials with my horses,
  • GUIDANCE FOR EVERY DAY and every week of the Course - with this guidance you will succeed every day!
  • TRAINING TACTICS to plan a training session, training week and organize a 6-Week Sports Performance preparation plan,
  • OVER 160 PAGES of guidance through OPP theory and practice, exercises, case studies, dos and don'ts - divided thematically into two eBooks: OPP Theory WorkBook and OPP Practice WorkBook,
  • NO WiFi ACCESS Required to return to your OPP Information! OPP Theory WorkBook and OPP Practice WorkBook are available in the printable form for your comfort of learning, use, and return to information whenever needed: at the yard, at home, and traveling,
  • NO TIME LIMITS: Study in your own pace and time. You decide when you practice, and when you take breaks.

Mini-HUGE Course in Conscious Relaxation Technique. A Revolution in Horse Training.

Mini-HUGE Course in Conscious Relaxation Technique

Ready to experience a game-changing shift in how you and your horse connect? This first and only online program teaches your horse to consciously relax — identifying tension the moment it arises and choosing release instead of escalation. It’s  both: daly & essential for any owner wanting a safer, deeper bond and a horse that’s truly healthier, happier, and calmer in every circumstance.


By focusing on the root cause of stress (rather than merely managing behaviors), your horse quickly learns to self-regulate under pressure — be it a high-stakes competition, a busy barn, or a brand-new environment. Conscious Relaxation transcends all training styles and disciplines, seamlessly integrating into every daily routine. If you’ve ever felt frustrated, anxious, or helpless when your horse tenses up, this course is the solution you’ve been searching for.


Stop relying on tension-based methods that only treat symptoms. Discover the Mini-HUGE Course in Conscious Relaxation and unlock a level of trust, safety, and emotional stability that reshapes your partnership forever. Because once a horse learns to consciously relax, there’s no limit to what you can achieve — together.

BODYMARC: Expand your Body Awareness: Self-Study Program

BodyMarc is a set of very easy exercises that are specially designed to expand your body awareness. Body Awareness starts from simple feeling of your body, and discovering how your body functions. Later it goes deeper, and develops into the understanding what is your body, and how is your body connected to your mind and emotions.

The gate to the awareness lies in body. When we expand our body awareness, in fact we expand our awareness. When we expand our body awareness, we can see that all our emotions are present also in our bodies. We can feel them, and we can let them go, when we are aware of them.

This is how step by step you can not only become aware of every muscle and every tendon of your body, and how you can keep your body relaxed and filled with your conscious presence, but also how you can become aware of your emotions and learn to let them go.

This Self-Study Course is especially designed to expand your awareness of your body and support you with practical explanation and exercises to truly experience this process in your own Life.

Format: E-Book with step-by-step photographs, Set of Video Materials, 11-Week Guidance taking you step-by-step through all exercises needed to experience your new awareness of your body, and a Personal Support from Anna & Pawel via specially created group.

