Here you can see Furious Dancer coming to me in collected canter.
There is a huge difference between “Collecting yourself” and “Collecting your mind”. Collecting yourself means collecting your body and all aspects of it: your breath, body position and your senses together.
Your body is a part of Nature and if you really connect with it and become aware of it you will see that your body will help you to collect yourself and to collect your horse with you.
On the contrary, your thoughts are weak and changing in their nature. You can experience this when you observe how many thoughts you have during one day and how much energy they cost you.
So if you think too much when you collect yourself and your horse with you, YOU ARE TAKING THE NATURE OF YOUR THOUGHTS.
You are becoming weak and changing yourself. There is nothing permanent in this situation and you make it impossible for your horse to collect himself with you.
So to collect your horse you should act only through your body with the pure intension of collecting yourself and by doing this – inviting your horse to collect himself with you.
This way your horse collects himself with you out of his own decision.
This can only happen when you are really calm and when you experience the absolute calmness when you are with your horse.
Only from this calmness the real communication can start.