Focus on spending as much time with your horse as possible. As much time doesn’t mean 10h a day. It also doesn’t mean 2h every evening. It means that within the time you have, any time, YOU ARE THERE. Fully.
But not to train. But to observe.
Observe without changing, without interfering, without judging, without “knowing” and without “having answers”. Just observe.
Observe to see through everything that you do or experience together with your horse WITH THE NEW EYES. See HIM and see YOURSELF clearly when you are together. What are the roles that you both unconsciously take? Are you always getting upset at the same point? Does your horse always zoom out, block you or get irritated at the same point? What is this point, when it comes? Describe it fully, but without using any emotional or feelings-related words. Just observe and just describe.
One of the biggest realisations I heard in 2016 from my students came from my long-time student and OneHorseLife Teachers Trainee for UK Judy Kelly. Judy, through her BodyMarc practice, discovered that It’s hard to observe anything in Life, even our breath, without it being immediately changed by the sole process of observation…
Usually when I tell people “Just observe… do nothing, just observe”, they think it’s very easy. This is because the words we use are worn out, they hold no real, accurate reference to a direct experience in Real Life. They hold traces of it, but the know-how about the experience has been lost. Fortunately, we have horses. Fortunately, observing without interfering is not easy. Fortunately for us, because once we master it we can suddenly discover the ENDLESS FIELDS OF GROWTH within the old situations.
From this point we can start to wave the new scenarios, the new ways for our Life… Observing without interfering and without changing from the level of the mind to create space for the true change to be awakened from within is the main motive of our March BodyMarc Seminar: DEEP RELAXATION EXPERIENCE.