I get SO MANY questions from all of you about my happy and genuine attitude:
Are you always this happy with your horses?
What if the horse is not doing what you want?
How do you handle irritation, bad days?
How do you deal with frustration when things are not going according to the plan?
Do you ever get angry? And if so how do you handle it so it doesn’t affect your horse?
My answer to all was: BODYMARC
Regular BodyMarc practice and acting during the day accordingly to the BodyMarc principles allow you to stay pretty much tension free throughout the day, and thus positive, happy and optimistic. Physical tension are just materialized emotional tensions. If we address the physical tensions in a way that teaches you how to release them, you gain equal awareness of how to release any emotional tension as well.
I know how to handle tensions.
– I heard many times from my students. And in the same sentence they told how hard it’s to get rid of the thoughts and emotions that keep on coming to you causing pain and bad memories… how hard it is to forget about being kicked by the horse, or about a nasty accident. How difficult it is to release the tension from the jaw after the stressful week at the office, or release the pain (and thus tension) from the lower back…
BodyMarc teaches its very simple, and very natural and native to our bodies. We had this SKILL in us always, only forgot how to use it, and thus it became smaller and smaller until it almost disappear.
We are starting first ever BodyMarc live stream session in 1 h. The technical side of joining us is simple. You join us and enjoy the live streaming in our closed FB group.
Things could not be simpler!