In my life I meet many people that sincerely want to invite Absolute Being into their lives.
They take care about themselves, they have moments of calmness. They try their best and they really want to stay positive, kind and open.
And yet they WORRY ALL THE TIME. And they all the time focus to be absolutely MIND-FULL: they constantly think about what is going on, if the meditation was good or not, if they were calm enough today, why their horse was not in the “right” mood today, if they will ever be able to have a nice seat and if they horse will ever be able to show a nice piaffer and if their horse will be ever able to collect etc, etc, etc….
This is a very SILLY MISTAKE.
If you invite this kind of support into your life, if you reconnect with the Source — then you have to ABSOLUTELY SURRENDER to everything that is happening around you and TRUST that what is essential for you and your horse won’t pass you by. You have to understand that everything that is happening to you now is to help you. Really and deeply help you in the moment of your life you are in, now.
You have to let yourself be guided.
If you constantly judge everything that happens to you, if you judge others and your horses, if build and follow strict plans in your life because you worry that otherwise you won’t achieve your goals … if you constantly worry about your work, your relationship with your partner, about your horse’s heath, about your training progress…
It is as if you were telling the Source “Oh, I know better!!! Sit quiet!”.
You cannot invite the Absolute Being into your life and then show by your actions that you don’t trust in it. That you simply still think that YOU KNOW BETTER.
Because if you know better… then nobody will help you. Ever.