and Calmness is our FUN’s Secret Ingredient.
With all my travels, teaching, seminars and clinics, and then the Winter break, I have to confess that I was able to take my little prince Leo for trainings only 3-4 times …a month.
During these past months we have focused only and purely on Calmness, and we started to go along the program of my Touch to Calm Self-Study Course.
Today we went out for Leo’s first long hack in the forest (3,5h). It’s impossible to describe HOW CONNECTED Leo felt to me, and how responsive he was to my body’s energy suggestions. I have no words to describe my happiness and gratefulness to my horses for showing us the powerful Technique of Touch to Calm – that teaches us, humans, the forgotten ability of TUNING our bodies to the bodies of our horses, so we can move together as ONE, stop together as ONE and start together as ONE. And take all actions in between in ease comfort and unity.