For today’s Training Article I prepared for you
I know nothing
I came here with the strong desire, and I surrender my desires to you.
I know nothing.
Please guide me and teach me.
I came here to learn from you.
I support all my actions in Calmness.
I take all actions to bring more Calmness.
Please show me how innocent intention is developing into fruitful action.
I know nothing.
I support myself by my senses.
I hear you.
I touch you.
I see you.
I will follow your lead.
Please show me.
Please teach me.
I thank you that you came here to be with me.
I respect you and your teaching.
I love you.
We unite and act together in Love.
I surrender my body to you in Love.
I surrender my thoughts to you in Love.
I surrender my desires to you in Love.
Please guide me in Love.
I know nothing.
I came here with the pure intention to learn.
I know nothing.
My heart is open.
I am here to learn and grow.
Everything you will show me will change me forever.
I know nothing.