Many people believe that they have to be stressed to start acting. You have to see how much you do not like your body to go to the gym. You need to fear about your future to work. You need to have deadlines to make things done. Etc.
We start believing that stress is helping us when we are young. We feel stressed about homework; then we do this homework and stress goes away. We can feel relief, and this is how self-reinforcing superstition starts.
Because we experience many times how stress is coming and going thanks to our actions, after some time it becomes the only way how we can act.
What stress is really doing?
Stress is taking our Energy to ACT. When we start actions from stressing, we take the Energy from these actions. We do not feel like doing anything. And then we need even greater stress to push us. And bigger stress, of course, takes even more energy.
How to stop this evil circle?
You need to find different motivation for yourself. Instead of stressing yourself, find pleasure and relaxation in your actions.
We tend to value what we do. We divide our life to pleasure and duty. When you know how to act in relaxation and Calmness, you start seeing that this division is not true.
When you act in Calmness, everything you do can bring even more relaxation and Energy for you.
The trick is, to do everything in a way, that opens you to want acting even more tomorrow.
If you want to learn more about how to act to have even more Energy to ACT, please join our BodyMarc Live Session.