Some people will take a look at a book and will say: Oh, letters.
Some people will look at the same book and will say: WOW! Words!
Some people will look at the same book, and will say: Nice sentences.
And other people will look at it, read it and say: Very interesting message.
Other people will take a look at the very same book and will say: PAPER.
People can look at the same thing and see different things.
But it doesn’t change what they are looking at.
If you do not know what the book is and how to read it, but someone told you that books may provide you new knowledge, you may think that smelling, touching or even eating books will help you. But it won’t.
Do not hold your awareness with your current understanding. Expose yourself to new experiences and allow these experiences to change your awareness.
Today, I got a very beautiful message from one of my students. Andrea Wady from Costa Rica wrote:
“I have just spent a beautiful few hours revisiting with the writings and modules from this course that changed my life a year ago. I am SO glad I did, with a years perspective and changed awareness, it has guided me deeper and has so much more meaning than when I first experienced it.”
The message I share with my students is deceptively simple. With time, when their awareness expands they discover new depths in what they experience before. And these new depths guide them further. I, myself, guided by my horses continue to discover even bigger simplicity in what I know, and I strip it from all the complexity that I am able to see now. This is why every single Workshop and Clinic I give is totally different. All techniques and all ways of being I share with my students there, I am able to share with them not in a more complex way, but in a more simple one. And experience teaches that things that are more simple, are more powerful.
Together we discover that what we thought before was way too complex, was way too polluted with “US” and our understanding and awareness.
The truth is simple. But the mind doesn’t want to see it.
When you disagree with this simplicity, you cannot see it, and this is why our awareness doesn’t grow.
Vision is connected with movement.
On a very gross level it means that if you want to understand something, if you want to learn about something, you have to go to experience it and see it. On a deeper level it is connected with the movement of the eyeballs: if they do not move, the vision is limited if not totally ceases.
Another message from today I received from Maria Wojtaszewski, OneHorseLife follower:
“We say that the horse is making a mirror of us. If we human then correct the thing the horse makes us aware of it should disappear. But if we do not correct it, do we then actually create a chronic condition in the horse as the horse continually will try to make us aware of the condition? (…) With a little awareness level we might even not recognise ourselves what we are creating?”
The horse is not our mirror. This is a very harmful simplification that travels in the horse-world. The horse is an aware and a conscious being that supports growth of our awareness with his bigger awareness. Like everything outside you, that you can see.
When the change is blocked, because we are not listening, or when we are not open for the learning from the horse about us, then the horse looks for different ways to talk to us. When we are not listening for a very long time, we see conditions that we call “chronic”. In fact, they are never chronic, they are able to disappear any time we expand our awareness. Everyone sees these conditions, but explains them accordingly to the level of his awareness.
The bigger is your awareness, the more you see and the more you are able to change.
Guiding you towards this state is the purpose of the BodyMarc Book.
The Photograph by Pawel Marciniak was taken during OneHorseLife Clinic in Sweden in September 2016, organised by Ewa Angantyr.
Thank you Anna. For this writing and also other ones. I must tell you that I have been sharing you thoughts with my friends here in Finland, and one of them asked me: Where did you find this Anna, that these are just wonderfful thoughts. And my answer to her was: Heaven sent her?. That was the first thing that came into my mind. The thing is, you have been giving me answers and cleared my thoughts. And I have never met you. But I feel you. Thank you ❤️,
Hello Anna, thank you so much for your kindness and love that I feel through your words. I am deeply touched. We all meet not without a reason. This reason is to support each other in expressing our lives to the fullness.
Hello Anna. I have been searching and sifting the world of knowledge offered up to us looking for guidance. Your words strike a deep chord within me, the most meaningful interactions I have had with my horses are when I come from a centred , bare heart. Thanks you for the freshness and simplicity of truths you share, which always resonatewith me just like that, simplicity.
Thank you, Karen, for your words. I am happy that you find the support that is so much needed on this path in my words :-) Have you ever heard about my JoinAnna Group? It’s a place of friendship, fellowship and support, and of a deeper guidance that has it’s roots in the simplicity of the connection with ourselves.
That sounds lovely, can you show me the details please?
Karen, you can find the details @