If you are spending your time really together with your horse in the Here and Now and you are open to what your horse is telling you, this can lead to a MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING.
Understanding, like communication, is a two-way road.
This means that you will start to understand your horse and your horse will start to understand you. Both things are equally important. So your responsibility is not only to understand your horse but also to help your horse understand you.
What I mean by “understand” here is not only respecting the feelings and demands you have for each other, I mean that you can really start to understand each other – you can start to really find answers to the questions:
“Why are we here?”
“Why are we together?”
“What are we supposed to learn from each other?”
At this moment you really need to change your thinking. Your horse is not the device to help you in achieving your sport or recreational goals. The horse that you met in your life is part of your life and is here to help you, as well as you are part of his life and you are in his life to help him. To help in what? To put it in the simplest way: your horse is here to help you to be a better person. This is a very simple concept, but also a very powerful one. And very rarely understood.
When you are with your horse in the Here and Now, you will start to see things that will be mostly about you. This is something I promised you at the beginning – that the change will be about you, not about your horse. You will see what you imagine about yourself and what you really are. To regularly revisit our imagination about ourselves and to confront it with the reality is a must if we want to change.
Your horse, like a stranger that you met in the train and you know that you will not meet in the future, will tell you very honestly who you are now.
If you keep your eyes open you will see this, surrender to it and understand it. And maybe you will be able to accept it.
Knowing the truth is the only way to change something.