During my meetings with horses I often use food as a reward. Sometimes I do not use food at all. Sometimes I even do not reward in a visible way. At the same time I do not use pressure/release method, either.
Rewarding is action that you take in your Life, and the fruits of this action depend on your intention. If your intention is pure, and you reward your horse because you are so happy that you cannot hold it anymore ;) but at the same time you are not attached to this action and as well you can replace your treat with the biggest hug or scratch, or simply reward with your calmness and connected presence by your horse — then the fruits of this action will support your growth.
On the other hand, if you approach your horse with expectations, and you have rules and assumptions on how and when you will reward your horse to make him do something, then your intention is based on fear and fruits of this action will only bring more frustration and fear into your Life.
To expect something means that you do not trust that the right things will happen for you in the right time, when you are ready and prepared. It also means to not give your horse time to do things in his time, when he is ready to do them. It also means that you want to push things to happen, because you fear that otherwise they won’t happen for you and your horse.
It is to be cut from the reality.
In this situation feeding your horse with treats is no different than using pressure to make him do things. It’s just another means of control.