I was first introduced to riding accoding to the principles of French Classical riding in Legerete by Mr Fritz Stahlecker of HSH Methode. I simply loved the concept, and I decided to dedicate all my time and effort to understand it, and what is more important – to implement it in my daily riding.
The concept of using reins only to communicate with smallest possible effort with your horse truly resonates in my heart during my everyday riding, and being with my horses.
I can’t express enough how important is the soft feel while riding, and how important it is to understand that 90% of the tensions and stifness in your horse comes from things you do to his mounth.
I believe that the reins should envelope the horse as softly as possible, and that they should never hold him with you, or be used to restrict his movement.
To me Riding in lightness is Living in lightness.
Living a balanced life, in which you are agreed with yourself and everyone else.
Living a life, in which you understand that we all come from the same source, and that we are all equal.