This Easter take yourself home. Coming home is not reserved for returning to the place you share with your family, and it’s not about coming back to the place that you have been brought up in either. Coming home is returning to YOU. To your true values, to your true beliefs. It’s reconnecting with the fuel that used to make your dreams sparking and big, and your heart filled with purpose and hope. Coming home is a feeling of bravery in your bones, that makes you take the extra step, walk the extra mile, keep moving on.
To me, coming home is arriving at this place in your heart that is one burning PURPOSE.
Today, when I took Wiwien and Furious for a hack around the house I thought “WOW, I am finally home”, and then I realized that it’s not true. I was home already many, many times before. I was home whenever I dared to follow my dreams, whenever I did what I MUST, exactly how I must, and when I must have done it. I was home many times before, whenever I followed the imperative stronger than any will, beyond any understanding. Whenever I dropped the fear, and acted directed by the innocent call of the beating heart. Then, I was always home.
And to me, this is coming home.
Today, first time since ten days of true roller-coster of adrenaline, and emotions I did something for myself. Purely for myself. I have stolen one hour in-between running countless errands of settling in and accommodating in a totally virgin environment 10 horses, 2 dogs and 3 humans, and took my horses for a hack. And it felt like coming home, too. Horses were so easy, so relaxed, so smooth, so if they have been here before (And maybe they have been? Maybe we all have?…Maybe Life is not a journey into the unknown, but it’s about coming home…?).
We are surrounded by unimaginable beauty here, just take a look. Whenever I connect with it, whenever I take a pause to just BREATHE, and take a look around I feel like coming home. And I feel so blessed too.
Happy Easter, my little bunny!