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MODULE EIGHT: Partnership

We discussed earlier, and you also experienced it thanks to our preparatory exercises, the benefits of starting to introduce new Cues through the Body Yielding Cues, and then transferring them to the hand aids, in this case in preparation for the turns and circles. We supported this experience with the Half-turns on forehand and haunches

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MODULE SEVEN: From Understanding to Partnership

This Module is a very special one for me. I hope that it brings you more clarity and understanding of the very simple, but very important steps that have lead us to this point. I hope that this Module brings you even more confidence and trust in the power of Calmness, togetherness and dividing everything

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MODULE SIX: Further into Cooperation and Understanding

In the previous Module you could have experienced how your awareness expands thanks to Calmness and Breathing on your body in the saddle. We did it in halt, so you could feel comfortable and so that your awareness could really expand on your whole body. Now you will be able to expand your awareness in

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MODULE FIVE: From Cooperation to Understanding

Welcome in the New Year! I hope you had the most glorious start into the New Year. The New Year always come with the New Year’s resolutions. This year instead of making another list of resolutions for the New Year, decide that in this New Year you will let yourself be guided. Fully and truly

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MODULE FOUR: Further support for you

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MODULE FOUR: From Engagement to Cooperation

With this Module I would love to invite you to ask yourself this very important question: Why you ride horses? What is so special about this FOR YOU? Which moments of riding your horse you remember best? Which ones of them do you recall with the biggest smile? Horse riding is one of the most

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MODULE TWO and THREE: Further support for you


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MODULE THREE: From Autonomy to Engagement

With the third Module of our Riding Workshop we will take the next steps and enter the beautiful world of Engagement. When people think about Engagement in horse riding they usually think about the hind legs and how much they should step under the body of the horse; they think about collection, expression and advanced

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MODULE TWO: From Communication to Autonomy

Even through all our exercises are dedicated to expand your horse’s calmness and understanding of the human world he was born into, please do not forget that the main change has to happen within YOU. With this Module’s exercises we will check even further how much your horse and you are ready to take the

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