So many times I see people training not their REAL HORSE, but the HORSE THEY HAVE IN MIND. Their real horse is not the horse that their mind produced and thus their training is totally ineffective. I think I may be able to see it so clearly, cause some years ago I experienced it myself.
Please, be honest with yourself. Be absolutely honest when you are with your horse. Your horse is a part of nature and he can’t lie to you. In each and every second he will tell you everything about you and himself. And by doing this he will help you. He will help you to change your ways and to become even more grounded in the reality.
But he has no chance, he has NO ACCESS to you, if you live in your DREAMING MIND that constantly produces fearful or wishful scenarios.
Your horse has no access to you if you see him through your expectations, fears and dreams. He has no access to you if you are BEHIND THE GLASS all the time.
Living a DREAMING LIFE is not good for you. This is a sign that you truly and deeply think that YOU DESERVE BETTER. And I have to ask: Why? How come you deserve better? Is this horse not good enough for you? Is this life not enough?
If your answer is yes, this is a sign that you don’t trust.
You don’t trust in reality. You don’t live in reality.
And the reality is the truth. The reality is God.