Here you can find download links to Finding and Extending Natural Balance of the Horse: A Practical Guide eBook Whenever I change the place where the book is stored, I shall change these links as well. If you ever loose your book, please don’t worry. Here you can find the most up to date link

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This post is only available to members.


I receive a tremendous amount of messages from those of you who struggle with horses that are hyper-active or misbehaving when clicker trained or reinforced with food. Some of you

Smart quote post

Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut

Post with couple photos inside

Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut

YouTube video

Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut

The SOURCE of the action determines the RESULT of that action

If your action has the source grounded in fear, the only final result that you can expect from taking this action is even more fear. Fear is the way how
