1. PURPOSE Every tool has to provide something unique for the user, if it doesn’t provide anything unique, it means that it’s unnecessary. This is the understanding of many people: they don’t understand or they don’t know the purpose of the bit, and therefore this tool becomes unnecessary in their training. Many people believe that


RESIDUAL TENSIONS RELEASE THERAPY: LONG REINS “I want a light and a forward horse. The kind of horsemanship I do is based on Conscious Muscle Relaxation and leads to total

Relax That Stomach Technique: Practice with DOGS

DOGS, introduction to the Optimal Performance Program for Dogs: DOGS, introducing Relax That Stomach Relaxation Technique PRACTICE: DOGS, introducing Relax That Stomach Relaxation Technique PRACTICE 2: DOGS, introducing Relax That Stomach Relaxation Technique PRACTICAL APPLICATION:

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Relax That Stomach Technique: Practice with Horses

Relax That Stomach: Practical Application of the Relaxation Technique with HORSES: Practice: STEP BY STEP Video Guidance: Build up Your Technique Practice: Support for leaving the bucket Practice: Support for horses who rush towards the bucket

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Welcome to RELAX THAT STOMACH Online Course! In order to profit to the max from the Relax That Stomach Course information, please follow the below information:RELAX THAT STOMACH Course Study Flow: STUDY FLOW STEP 1: Please start your journey by watching the Theory lectures. For your comfort it’s divided into 3 sections: Join the Facebook

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